Most Common Myths About The "Space" (English/Hindi)

in blog •  6 years ago 

Most Common Myths About The "Space"

If I will asked you which is the hottest planet in the solar system, then you will said that Mercury, because it is closest to the sun and it is easily believed. But the reality is different from it, Near or far away from any planet's to sun, does not have much effect on its temperature,
Rather, it is cold or hot due to the gases present on that planet.

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Venus is the hottest planet in the Solar System because, it is full of carbon dioxide. Although the planet Mercury is closest to Sun, so it should be the hottest planet of the solar system but because of its closeness to the sun, has been destroyed it's atmosphere. While Venus atmosphere is filled with carbon dioxide and the heat of the sun enters it but does not come out, hence the temperature of venus is around 462 degrees Celsius. The brightest star that appears in the early morning, in the east side is Venus.

Today, we will talk about some myths about space, that considered true, but it is not.

Myth No 1. Gravitational force does not exist in the space

It is 100% true that there is no air and water present in the space but there is no gravity in the space it's a myth in fact, there is a light gravity everywhere in the space, due to which the Moon constantly revolves around the Earth. If there was no gravity then the moon would have been free from the Earth's orbit.

Myth No 2. Without a Space Suit Astronaut Explodes

It is true that no astronauts or space traveler can live in space without space suit, but there is a special reason for this, which is definitely not to explosion.

Of course it is true that if any astronaut going into space without space suit so it blood circulation will stop and the body will swallow like a balloon.

Myth No 3. Any explosion create sounds in the space

There is an effect in movies that if any two things collide together in the space, then there is a powerful sound explosion. But in reality, it does not happen because the sound requires a medium for travel like air, while there is no air or gas in the space. Which means the movement of any thing in the space will requires medium.

Myth No 4. The Moon revolves around the Earth in 1 day

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It is true that the moon revolves very fast around the earth, but it rotates the earth in one day. is completely myth. The moon takes approximately 27 days for complete one revolution of the earth, so you can see different images of the Moon every day.

# # Myth No 5. The sun is yellow

The sun appears yellow in the earth because the atmosphere on the earth is present, which changes the sun's light and the sun appears in yellow, but in reality the sun is white.

Myth No 6. China Wall Appears From Space

No, this is not a true, of course great Wall of China is the tallest men made structure in the world but it myth that it is appears from space.

off course not.

There is no men made structure or building created in the earth which can be appears from space.


Follow me @amitak


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