RE: Rift Life - Issue #6 - Major changes in 8.4 patch! Quick summary.

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Rift Life - Issue #6 - Major changes in 8.4 patch! Quick summary.

in blog •  7 years ago 

Renekton got a buff to his later lvl Q damage which is good cuz the gator would drop off a little late game. They are increasing his damage on Q with rage empowerment as well to help scaling. He is really good at early lane fights and can combo most top laners pretty hard already and this will give him a bit more damage after lvl 3 on his Q. The trade off for his early game strength is late game you just have to dive the back line and hope you can catch a squishy before you melt. I usually start building Tank items after lane phase to be as disruptive as possible

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Pretty standard for these top lane bruisers. Like Gnar starting black cleaver before getting tanky. Etc.