RE: Trump Chess

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Trump Chess

in blog •  7 years ago 

"The deep state" is nothing more then a collection of multinational corporations, military contractors, extreme wealth, monetary funds, and lobbyists. So far Trump has done everything for them. Yea, he uses Twitter to avoid the media, that's great for modern politics in general for populis politicians. Yes, almost everyone hates him except for his most vehement supporters. Yes, the media criticizes everything he does almost to a service to him, but that's the nature of the media, they are owned by what you would consider "the deep state" and they can't criticize him on things that matter.

You and a lot of other people seem to make the mistake in my opinion of "since they are against him, he must be our ally" no that can't be further from the truth. What is in your opinion the deep states objectives and what is counter to their objectives, and how has his agenda honestly been counter to their objectives?

What I have seen is:

  1. Pushing for the one state solution in favor of Israel
  2. Ramping up interventionism, dropping the same amount of bombs as Obama in Syria plus some, destroying what little relations we have with Iran and Pakistan to incite a war all to further the cycle of what makes military contractors money.
  3. Increasing neocolonialism by stationing and increasing troop presence in countries like Mali and Niger in co-operation with France and other UN powers for resources
  4. Appointed more lobbyists to direct positions in the white house then any president in history, Obama held the record until Trump took office.
    (Even a registered Saudi foreign agent to a direct leadership position in the whitehosue)
  5. Secured billion dollar weapons deals with Saudi Arabia, also making the lobbyists such as Richard Holdt in the whitehouse hundreds of thousands of dollars.
  6. Supported and helped get through one of the biggest legislative wealth redistribution bills to siphon money from the middle class to the top in history
  7. Pushed almost every single policy point in Koch Industries platform

There's so much more but I don't want to go on too long. The point is, if you agree with me or not; people should stop thinking of politics as a "left or right" paradigm, this allows tribalism influenced by the media to obstruct political discourse in our great country of America.

People should also stop thinking that being the rebel, or publicly the enemy to the elite, or the establishment makes you a good person, or an asset to the public. This goes for Bernie, Ron Paul, Trump, any "anti-establishment" politician. I voted for Bernie, I thought Trump may be better then Hillary, I've voted for Ron Paul, at the end of the day though I see with Trump that populism isn't the answer, and whoever takes office is beholden to the powers that be.

If you want real change, focus your political discourse at what you want changed, if you think the "deep state" is the problem, start attacking the problem politically, ie: promote legislation to get money out of politics, promote legislation for corporate or outside influence to stay out of the political process. Don't rely on one person to save the world for you, because it's never that way.

And don't let identity politics, tribalism, or any status quo political gripes that people on the "left" or the "right" get in the way of what you believe in. Fuck political identity, fuck ideologies, and fuck the two party system. Let's start debating policy, not actors and emotions. That goes for Trump or any politician.

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I could not agree more with you on the subject of identity politics. I do not subscribe to the right or the left. I subscribe to the truth and quite frankly I agree with every single point you made. You come off as incredibly intelligent, I thank you for your very well thought out and informative reply and so I would be very interested to know what you think of things like #Pedogate/#Pizzagate and especially #QAnon and his list of questions the Twitterverse is all abuzz with. Do you think there is any merit to this or the claims by Trump supporters that Trump/AG Sessions are trying to put a stop to pedophilia rings here in the U.S. and abroad? Do you think these claims are just complete nonsense, if so, why?