Education is Never Ending

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

This is not an argument against furthering our studies, but more of a different perspective on a traditional paradigm. If you are a reader of this blog, you are well aware of how important I believe breaking paradigms are, and this is one that comes to mind right now.

In many countries and cultures we are told that we have to follow a set path. We have to go to school, go to college, get a good degree and then be successful. But believe me when I tell you, that formula works very rarely, at least broken down simply.

Most people end up studying not because they want to study and grow, but because they believe it's expected of them. You can think of it like having the necessary key to access a room where you are sure to find happiness, but all along you've still not figured out what happiness is.

In this journey many people end up in careers that they don't like and makes them miserable. On top of that, many people walk away with massive debt acquired to finish their career and the numbers don't really lie.

It's because of this I believe in a different type of education above the traditional one. I for one study constantly still, and even though you could say that I don't really need to, I'm aware that if I don't make an effort to stay up to date with the times, I will quickly become ineffective as a businessman and more importantly, as an investor.

So my message to you is this: No matter how young or old you are, no matter how many degrees you may have or not, everyone needs to actively work on their self education.


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Dear @chbartist sir!
The book knowledge does not make us full. Practical knowledge is also necessary with book knowledge. There is no restriction of age for learning or learning. The process of acquiring knowledge begins with birth and the deceased continues. School education and degree are suitable only for living, for business and for a lot of other ways. The real lesson of life is to give us time, worldliness, Problems, or situations teach.It is a lesson that a person remembers for life. Learning in traditional schools, going to colleges is a form of paradigm. By breaking these statues, the education that teaches us in our circumstances is permanent. If our behavior is not flexible, we do not know how to value the relationship, then who has done this book knowledge?It is also said that be able to live in life, success will run away to you.Regards.

Exactly @certain.

Un cordial saludo señor @chbartist
En mi opinión la clave del éxito de las personas esta en que cada quien tome el camino que desee para ser feliz, que cada quien escoja lo que le gusta hacer, también es fundamental tener a alguien que este detrás para dar apoyo cuando se necesite un consejo siempre viene bien cuando mas se necesita.

Everyone commenting on this !shitpost is a sheep. Baaaah!

school education will bring you a job , self education will bring you wealth ;)
cheers brother

I am an educator and I believe in permanent education: education as that infinite source of knowledge. But I also believe in the motivation that exists to educate us: if at home or in our environment that motivation does not exist, it will rarely be able to grow in us. Because it is not a spontaneous harassment. As you say, we don't need a higher education degree to be successful, but there must be self-training. If you are going to be a hairdresser, study everything that has to do with hairdressing; if you want to be a cook, you must learn everything that has to do with cooking. Obviously, many of these trades require talent and vocation, but they need to perfect you, polish you. And that brightness gives him an education. Thank you always for your advice, @ chbartist

Thank you Nancy

Could not ahree more with you bud

@chbartist, You made an great point for sure and by that i mean, Traditional Education System is making people limited because in schools everyone is just measured and rated as per the Percentages and numbers and for sure this kind of environment can make people limited because everyone is different and unique and in Traditional System we see the Comparison Race and this comparison makes many depressed. That's why self education and finding our own self is vital aspect for sure.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Thank you friend! Success

Welcome and thank you so much. 🙂

Education is the best investment for sure as it is something that is never lost and can be leveraged to make more investments. Many have complained about the current market conditions and I have repeatedly said that now is the best time to invest in yourself to prepare for the coming evolution of blockchain and AI.

Agree friend!

Great point. It's said that people who have built their success on their intelligence look for opportunities to learn all their lives and use the joy of learning to keep their brains active and nimble well into old age.

One of the best things I've learned in my life, a bit late but hopefully not too late is that if you learn to motivate yourself the only other barriers to learn something you will ever face are your own desire and time. Though at least time can be partially dealt with through learning proper time-management!

P.S. And the best way to learn motivation, it turns out, is to teach others just like you're doing right now :)

Thank you for your words!

A self-educated individual can aim to learn a little bit about everything, or they can work hard toward mastering a single subject. Either way, it is the act of taking your learning into your control.
What i mean is that self education is very important.

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Yes friend!

I also believe with you. I always say that nobody stop learning. The day you die that is the day you stop learning. Education is beyond the going to school stuff and acquiring certificate for it. It is far far beyond that.

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Thank you Brother!

practical experience makes a man perfect in his / her life, as many fields of work as you will be involved, your life will be meaning full and perfect because experience will lead your life to the top. Hope you fine, thanks.

Thank you @rafique1953

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Seek knowledge from cradle to grave...
Of course, only the end of the world shall end the education process. Man was born with curiosity and creativity. Thus, human society shall endlessly developed either as evolution or revolution.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

"In this journey many people end up in careers that they don't like and makes them miserable. "

I know a lot of people in this situation. It is so sad to see them pushed from the back by parents or their environment into areas that have nothing to do with what they actually want from live. The sad part is that the indoctrination starts when they are young and vulnerable and they aren't actually confident enough the make a choice of their own.

I know a guy that became a doctor just because his father was one and he fucking hates his life for choosing this path.

Im in similar shoes but it is satisfying at the end of the day

Education is life as Dewy have said. Related to your previous post on changes sir, I would say that to cope with the changing frame of living, you should continue to learn. The knowledge you have acquired before may not be applicable today particularly in technology.

I can say that Self Education is the Modern way of learning, with the technology we have presently there is no need to run behind any institutions or Universities for education. A person can sit at any part of the world and learn by himself using the Internet..

Totally agree. These days you can study anything for free. Just go to a portal like coursera or openuniversity and you can search courses.

Not long ago I watched 98% of the lectures of one by Yale University, it was priceless, and it was free.

The best part of it, if you studied it formally (I mean taking notes, rote learning the subject and such, something I didn't do) you could go through a test and if you passed it, they gave you a certificate. It costed 50 dollars, but had no academic credit.

I agree strongly with this. If an individual is dedicated and passionate about what they're learning, they will have much more success with it. Being stuck within an institution being told what to know will limit an individuals creativity and enjoyment in learning

Every experience and incident is an example of learning in life and educating oneself to tackle it in a successful manner is the crux of life. Surely, Education is a never ending process!

True! Having a college degree or a high school education is never the end of a true education. In order to stay competitive in the job market and to stay in touch with the world as it continually evolves, you need to continue to develop your skills. There are amazing education opportunities available that will help you take the next step forward in either your career or simply your containment of knowledge as an individual.

People that get educated and stay educated are able to take on more in life and can pursue their interests with a higher level of knowledge. There’s nothing better to help you get this personal satisfaction in life than to take charge of it by furthering your potential.

College has always been a goal in my life because no one in my family has graduated from college. Therefore, I knew that everyone’s expectations of me would be high and I would only strive to meet them. Beyond college, I plan to continue learning and growing because learning never really stops after you leave the classroom.

We learn every second of our life to the end of it

Rightly said, Education does not have age barrier since knowledge is like an ocean, one should not feel contented with what was acquired, instead try to quench the thirst for knowledge which keeps growing day by day!!

Education is very important for today & the next 5 years into this new generation .

I will want to agree with you and also emphasize that self education is key to continuous grow, as many writers have said "the day a man stops learning is the day he starts dying" be it formal or informal methods as long as if self development is at forefront then there is always room for a successful career.

I do agree. In life we are oblige to go to school to earn a degree spend so much money , time and effort to have a wonderful future. Well in fact, it is a matter of willingness and mindset. With out it all , it will be useless... Learning doesn't end as soon as you finish a degree..learning continues everyday in our lives. Reading expands your horizon. The more you read the more you learn and it is like a domino effect. Reading doesn't only gives you knowledge but also it also gives you confidence in dealing matters in life.

Hello @chbartist, The study must be carried out in several areas, in various contexts and aspects. becoming an INTEGRAL being, with different skills and abilities, capable of developing in various situations throughout life, True, to evolve, you must self-educate in the things you really like and not those imposed by others.

It is very true, sometimes we end up studying careers that we do not like. Completely agree with you.

@chbartist, From a human point of view, it is about exposing the results of self-management in your development, which requires constant self-education and life updating. this logic intrna we can express it through the aspects that condition your character, proceeding to address the general conception of your pesonalidad, as a concrete form of your self-education, in this acceptance of your personality you must recognize, the role of your communication with the environment that surrounds you, which will highlight your active character and the non-conscious in it and that will keep you in sync with the times. At the beginning of the development of our humanity, we have been concerned every day to know our world widely and deeply, this in order to dominate it and give it the necessary transformation for a better adaptability of us, since man from the beginning is constantly learning, either by induction or by self-education. the knowledge is as old as the man, the educate did not rely on a formal or institutional scheme in antiquity, mostly learned by trial and error, thus creating knowledge in our fields "self education", understanding that knowledge and the world they are evolutionary

True! Every day we have to increase our knowledge. It is our goal to invest and educate ourselves daily because we are living in a fast-paced society and if we don't, we will be left behind with all the advanced technology.

Estoy totalmente de acuerdo, hay muchas personas que se pasan estudiando para una especialidad en concreto de trabajo y cuando terminan sus estudios empiezan a trabajar en restaurantes de comidas rápidas (POR EJEMPLO )

UN JEMPLO PERSONAL> El año pasado comencé en el mundo de las criptomonedas, y personalmente pienso que nunca se termina de aprender.

Algunos llegan a frustrarse y como no pudieron acceder a un trabajo en lo que ellos se habían especializado y estudiado, se pasan la vida en otros trabajos inferiores y casi siempre en trabajos que no les gustan.

Yo pienso que cada día se aprende algo nuevo, por lo tanto "LA EDUCACION NUNCA TERMINA"

Yo doy fe de eso mi apreciado amigo, que soy maestra con muchos años enseñando y cada día aprendo algo nuevo

Self education is in important in life

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live life to the fullest, and focus on the positive.

Even i believe the same ideology, as we should always try to educate our self and increase our knowledge though it be from any means as i simply believe some times these courses for accuring degree doesn't teaches you what it is required to.

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the aim of education is the knowledge not of facts but of values.

I completely agree with you here. However saying that traditional form of education is benigl is jumping ahead a bit. Sure many will come out with degrees they don't need or huge amounts of debt. But the thing with college is it allows you to grow up and find yourself a bit. Jumping straight into full time employment will kill a soul that hasn't had time to nurture itself.

Unfortunately money makes the world go round, it puts food on your plate etc. Money begets money. If you want to earn more of it you have to spend on a college education. The statistics are wild when it comes to earnings between those that are tertiary educated and those who aren't.

Anyway not bagging the sentiment. From a philosophical standpoint we should always try learn more and acquire more knowledge. It's what the original philosophers saw as the true meaning of life. However, I just think that some people must learn things that make them "miserable" to live a secure life.

i no have education. i have inspiration. if i was educated, i would be damn fool.

hello. @chbartist. Formal education does not condition to follow established parameters: and although there are many basic things that we should know. We must go after that knowledge that is beyond the school. and so break that paradigm

Right says education is the passport of future tomorrow belongs to those who prepared today

True words @chbartist education is a never ending journey but the essence of knowledge is empowerment and self development.

education is for sure important for all of us. However our society and our educational system have made it as an open contest. people today get degrees not because they love knowledge or having the curiosity to sort out scientific problem. But simply, the myth of getting a lucrative job and have a great life that drives them. Robert kiowasaki in his book"the poor dad, the reach dad" have fully explained this. the poor dad (who has a poor mind) always supports his children to learn and get degrees, so that they can win a job and live happily. Children when they get the job they keep thinking that getting promotion will end their suffering. unfortunately , things keep getting worst and finally they realize they became a slaves for their boss and the greedy economic system.

Truth ! ✌🏽

I am a programmer and I study a lot every day. I think the greatest readers are programmers. Now I'm planning two online courses about programming and I study and work about eleven hours. The education is never-ending for me.

@chbartist really sir have you any general view that education is never ending ?

@chbartist I agree with your idea of self educating and keeping up to the current trend but I believe other things need to be considered too.

Life nowadays first involves being able to provide for personal needs first before wants and this involves making money. You could be successful without a degree quite alright but when you look at most developing and third world countries, a degree is very necessary to surviving. Business as a whole, I call a risk. You either profit or you loose and shouldn't be something someone totally depends on.

I rather see things like this, if you can get a good formal education please do, don't lay all your eggs in it, find something else to occupy yourself and earn from as you wait for the formal degree to pay well. Self education should be with the aim of improving your knowledge in areas of interest or where formal education didn't give insight on.

Self-education is like self-experience. You learn first hand.

Yes and education is increasing for spread

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Totally right. The things you are genuinely interested on are gonna drive you, and that's the reason why you keep learning constantly way after school.

There are some people that have this mindset since they are kids, and that's awesome. I think it depends a lot on how your parents raise you and teach you what to look for, what to pursue and so on.

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because learning doesn't stop too!

I agree. As we go along our journey in life we encounter things that we haven't experienced before and because of it we learn new things. It will always be like that as long as you live.

That formula of studying to take the title and have money worked before, in the time of our grandparents, then it stayed a little but expiring with the passage of time.

Now the solution is not to have money but to study to know how to manage money, and not precisely in a school, but looking for information, researching, looking for mentors, etc. We have to adapt to the changes of this new sig

Thanks for the story

I've been saying this for a decade. It's great to see more & more people starting to see it for themselves. Keep it up. 👍

As a homeschooling father, and lifelong lover of true learning (yet terrible classroom student), I applaud this post with the force of 1,000 hands! Nicely done @chbartist!

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Yes, you are the student as well as you are the teacher, you learn from the mistakes

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I completely agree with you dear friend @chbartist we go to education because there is a trend that we have to go to school or college as others also do the same. Even in the beginning when we were childhood we were expected to so following others. Bookish knowledge is required but books only can not help us to do well in life. We have to learn thru life experiences. Even i know many people who are not educated enough but their life experiences are very much rich. Even I whenever get time, try to sit with them and discuss about life. Everytime i spend time with i learn something new. Thanks for touching this topic dear friend .

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Hi, I'm Paula, I'm 19 years old, I'm from Peru, I study architecture, I found this page looking for income for my studies, all those who follow me, I will follow them.

yes my dear friend i know that to learn for every day and whole life. nice post.

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