CRYPTO & COFFEE 0023 - MORE CRYPTO MARKETSsteemCreated with Sketch.

in blog •  6 years ago  (edited)

We all get bored of the same chart and just waiting for Bitcoin to make a move and become rich, thats extremely boring, thats the reason why I look for other ways to make more crypto daily, trying to use that crypto look for a purpose to spend it or duplicate it, the one I like the most is making content, probably not the best but at least is way more fun that waiting for Bitcoin to make a move, here some other crypto markets that may interest you.

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Good Luck, ThanksIf you would like to make a donation to help the site grow and keep it rolling, feel free at any of this wallets

BITCOIN: 1DTk43ycprv5KKN5NKoqxjcUtLXkq7bKH2
LITECOIN: LiY3YyV8xWGh2h8EM9hVeF5pBhamsE9jMY
ETHEREUM: 0xd09e47A64c81aca28cf639FaD1EA428Be4fB6F2E
TRON: TEh2KR6rsa3p81SvbVspSfuEXfoBzTWxZQ
BAT: 0xd09e47A64c81aca28cf639FaD1EA428Be4fB6F2E



DISCLAIMER: The information or its media channels not limited to Twitter, Telegram, Discord, Instagram, Facebook, or any upgcomming social media platform or internet search engine results is not financial advice. This information is for informational and entertainment purposes only. Any information provided are only and simple thoughts and opinions, you must not follow any of this thoughts and look for a profesional financial advisor since we are not any type of advisors. Dont not get into crypto currencies since its a high risk investment if you do not have the proper guidance and any investment that you made is your own responsability and no one else.

#leo #pal #tipu
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