The power of a hug: health benefits

in blog •  7 years ago 

Who does not like to cuddle? In our view, hugs are really fantastic and many of your readers will probably agree with us when we talk about the great feeling that a hug can give you. But why do we find cuddling so nice? In this article, we tell you how much a hug can mean and explain the health benefits associated with both getting and giving a hug.

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We can get cuddles from and give them to all sorts of people, whether it's a friend, a family member, someone you love, your partner or simply someone who sympathizes with you. This embrace is seen as one of the primary ways in which people show affection. Read on to find out what strength and health benefits hugs have.

Emotional benefits of an embrace

Studies show that the brain produces endorphins during cuddling. These endorphins ensure that healing takes place in the entire body. In addition, cuddling is a form of therapy that can generate a sense of well-being, reduce blood pressure and sometimes relieve menstrual cramps. But a hug can also relieve headaches and reduce anxiety, stress or depression. It can give a sense of self-worth, calm the nerves, remind you that you are not alone, treat insomnia, stimulate the senses, give you a blissful feeling and calm the soul. Some people even believe that cuddling can slow down the aging process and keep your appetite under control. After reading all these advantages, do you still wonder about the usefulness of a hug?

Cuddling also brings physiological benefits. The secretion of oxytocin is one of these. Oxytocin is also seen as the 'cuddle hormone' and is not only important for children - oxytocin can improve the quality of life of everyone, regardless of age. There are so many advantages to cuddling, that 'cuddling therapy' is even used to treat depression and other psychological disorders.

During an embrace, other hormones are released as serotonin and dopamine, which have an anesthetic effect on the body and create feelings of peace, well-being, and tranquility. But the most interesting thing about cuddling is that these feelings are not only noticeable during cuddling, but are felt until long afterward. It is striking that scientific research shows that hugs and caresses have a greater influence on women than on men, but that it offers benefits for both.

Following the book 'Hug Therapy', written by Kathleen Keating, we can tell you that cuddles do not just give us a good feeling. Cuddly toys are also essential for the mental and intellectual development of children and can help children overcome their fears. This can also cuddle the aging process.

In her book, Keating writes that physical contact is not only pleasant but also necessary for our psychological, emotional and physical well-being. Cuddling would improve the joy and health of the individual within society. Keating also states that a hug is a special way of contact, which ensures that you accept yourself more and that you feel better accepted by others.

So what are the benefits of cuddling?

Protection: People are quite vulnerable and therefore often need protection. Nothing can offer this better than a hug.
Self- assurance: When you are confident, you are not afraid to take on challenges that can occur during the day. After a good hug, nothing stands in your way anymore.

Security: A sense of security is necessary for daily life. You can even say that certainty is the fuel that gives you the self-assurance that you need to achieve your goals.
Strength: If you possess inner strength, you transfer this energy to the people you cuddle and others in your environment.


Apart from the underlying meaning of a hug, everyone knows what type of hug he or she gives or receives and which physiological benefits this hug offers. A hug from a friend can simply be delightful, but a hug from a partner can be more playful or more exciting. Anyway, never hit a hug!

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