Past is Prologue. Or so it seems.
In this TED talk video, Investigative Journalist Trevor Aaronson discusses how the FBI's "Counter-Terrorism" task force operates. How Con-men, criminals and the Accused are offered plea deals, hired as informants to find drugged-up or mentally challenged people who post stupid shit on the Internet in order to groom and co-opt them as patsies in certain Sting Operations.
Question: should this not be updated to include suspicious mass shootings? Is the FBI working hand-in-glove with rogue CIA via MK-Ultra? Let the court of public opinion decide.
In his book,The Terror Factory: Inside the FBI's Manufactured War on Terror Aaronson proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the FBI is a rogue agency that employs dubious tactics to not only justify its massive budgets, but to advance political agendas as seen in recent attempts to frame Donald Trump.
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