WaPo Lied AGAIN! - "Banned Words" BTFO

in blog •  7 years ago 

All that crap you saw in your timeline this week about "banned words" at the CDC?

wapo media masters lie again.png

Turns out, like 90% of the anti-Trump leads printed as news by Washington Post and other Normie Media Masters, is flat-ass wrong and an outright lie.

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Still, "fact-checker" Snopes refuses to call the Washington Shitpost's lie "false", preferring to protect their Media Master by issuing no opinion.

Worse, it turns out the "Trump banned words" were actually liberal restricted words - that is, they were words that left-wing administrators recommended the CDC not use in order to maximize funds to them in a Republican Congress.

Share this on normie timelines when they re-print MSM fake news.

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Philip DeFranco covered this. Unlike you, he knows how to conduct investigative journalism without injecting his political bias. He determined that the CDC has been given a list of words not to use when making a budget request. FACT. They were told that any budget request containing any of the words on the list would be rejected. Truth.
Snopes is one of the most valuable tools available to debunk fake news and put little jerk-offs like you in their place.

ELI5: what's the matter with people?