Bootlicker Joe #6

in blog •  7 years ago 

Joe learns that taking without consent is not ok.


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This is a pet peeve of mine. I cover government for a small newspaper and I’ve seen eminent domain used (or people have attempted to use it) for the most ridiculous reasons. A water dept. superintendent once told me he planned to use ED to force a property owner out of a prime piece of waterfront real estate so they could expand their water treatment plant on the same day he presented the council with an urgent multi million dollar capital project at the plant brought on by the fact that no one bothered to do any actual maintainence work there for over half a century and now everything is failing. When I asked him why he felt he had the right to take someone’s property from them, he said “they’re not doing anything with it.”

It is absurd. For me, the problem is... if government can take what it wants with ED and search and seizure... what do we truly own?
Thanks for sharing your story. We need everyone to share like you did.

Unfortunately ownership is largely illusionary these days. Another big one in my town is asset forfeiture. The county DA sings of how much local police will benefit from the proceeds of the policy but say nothing of whether those the property was seized from were convicted of crimes. It’s very frustrating how few people see this sort of thing as problematic.