"It just wasn't meant to be" ...man

in blog •  8 years ago 

Man... say what?!

I hate it when people tell me that nonsense; "it just wasn't meant to be."


It's whatever you make it and if that's what you've decided then you are absolutely RIGHT.
Let me explain where this craziness is coming from.

I tried getting a friend of mine (my best friend in fact) introduced to steemit. I walked him through the sign-up process and gave him some helpful ideas to make a decent 1st post... and he then comes back to me a few minutes later telling me "I can't do it, it won't let me make a post"

So I'm like, "alright cool we can figure it out" to which he simply replies...

"No, it's cool man. It just wasn't meant to be."

I love my buddy, he's a great guy but when he said that I seriously wanted to run through the laundry-list of all the reasons why just NOT hopping on steemit was a horrible idea!

I decided against it though for the simple fact that you can't force someone to do what they don't want to do.
He did say something funny to me though... "I've already got 4 Facebook accounts" LOL-

Bro. No man...

Anyway, here's the point.
Spread the word, let people know about steemit & how truly awesome it is. But if they don't want to "do it" and take the opportunity while it's hot then fine, just let them figure it out on their own because I can assure you that they will hear about it in the not so distant future!

It's been my experience that trying to shove great opportunities down people's throats is a great way to make them want nothing to do with it and resent you in the process. Yeah, it's unfortunate but hey... you snooze you lose.

A lot of people are going to get in on the ground level and it's just the unfortunate truth that not everyone is cut-out to take advantage of a great thing while it's staring them directly in the face.

That said however, if you can manage to turn someone around and get them posting on steemit then all the better and major kudos to the both of you!

I'm still going to keep bugging my buddy though, just don't tell him- he'll get pissed.
Insert Evil Laugh Here

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Hey Man! I feel you're frustration. Some people are so stuck in their comfort zone that anything new seems like a burden. haha, having 4 facebook profiles and not investing enough effort to create a steemit account is a perfect example for that. Sometimes I feel like hitting people like this, but what good does it do? You know what they say: You can lead a donkey to the river, but you can't make it drink the water. However, sometimes I requires some additional information about the product (in this case steemit) to change a person's mind completely. I always ask myself in situations like these: What is in the best interest of that person? Do I leave him in his comfort zone to teach him a future lesson about what he missed out on? Or do I shake him up a little to make him realize? However, love your style! Keep it up, I look forward to your next post;)