in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

“She is free in her wildness, she is a wanderess, a drop of free water. She knows nothing of borders and cares nothing for rules or customs. 'Time' for her isn’t something to fight against. Her life flows clean, with passion, like fresh water.”
― Roman Payne



It honestly never ceases to amaze me how so often (many) men seem to assume that because you are a beautiful woman that you have nothing between your ears! I cannot speak for anyone else… but as for me, I will say this... I know I am ANYTHING but stupid - and this is where I bring the men into the conversation – so please make sure you guys all have your big boy undies on ok?!

All too often, men seem to have this "socially habituated" perception that because women are emotionally focused individuals and operate quite differently to men, that our heads are full of cottonwool? – Well, I can only muster one response to that - MWUHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

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Yes boys, we are indeed VERY emotionally expressive creatures. We let our heart speak to us long before our mind ever does - and yes, we often respond to circumstances with extravagant expression - but neither of these qualities renders us unintelligent. I am really very tired of seeing women being "played" by men, because they wore their heart on their sleeve and the men that revel in this kind of activity, insultingly laugh at those women because they were an “easy score”. No - they weren’t - they were simply being emotionally authentic and they gave you their trust. That does not make them stupid. That makes them genuine! For the sake of perspective, I could direct a question at the men who behave in this manner… why do so many of you have your dick on your sleeve?!

I am not throwing a blanket over all men as there are PLENTY of good men in this world… who hold value to and appreciate the women in their lives – and I must say - hats off to all of them! However, the reality of the matter is, there are so many MORE who are just all out there for themselves! (Just as there are women precisely the same - but I am not lesbian and don't have any experience in that so it is not my focus point here – hahaha!)

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They "waltz" around like the world owes them some kind of favour - but you know what... it DOESN'T! - So I suggest you tone it down a little there cowboys, because in case you missed the memo... women are quite capable of standing on their own two feet these days and we HONESTLY don't have time for self-absorbed ego-maniacs!

So, at the risk of being "burnt at the stake" right now - I am going to say this... For eternity, women have been "controlled, belittled and often completely disregarded" - men ruled the world. They were the providers, the hunters and women the gatherers. Women - were never afforded the chance of being "the hunter" - and that has now changed dramatically. Many of us are now the hunters AND the gatherers!

Don't worry - we still love and need you guys though ;) because lets be honest…who doesn't need a good roll in the hay or a cuddle – JUUUST KIDDING!!!! (Before anybody runs away with that one lol)

My point is this - Women are AMAZING creatures! –and ANY QUALITY MAN that lives with a GOOD WOMAN will bear witness to this. (Please don't feel left out guys... you are also tremendous.... but this post is not really about your levels of awesomeness hehe) In short - I just wish... that more men saw AND appreciated the value AND INTELLIGENCE of the women in their lives

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Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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Wow... Voice of Womanhood. Not every lady out there sees life the way you see it. Am a guy, but I get annoyed when ladies put themselves at the mercies of men. Maybe because I grew up as the only son among 4 ladies, I tend to understand women more. I see women stronger than they are actually perceived to be. Men are most times logical... But women on the other side are emotional. And emotional power wielded the right way, has tremendous power.
Women are powerful and until every woman comes to the point of realizing her self worth and aligning her life to it, she remains weak with strength trapped inside.

Shout-out to women who are proud of who they are.

No one can insult you beyond the level you permit.

I hope your post gets to a whole lot of ladies out there... They need to be strong for themselves.

What an awesomely insightful comment @t-flames - THANK YOU!!!

You are hilarious. And smart. And beautiful. Plus there's that accent...

Please do note the order...though the accent might need to be moved up on rank.

LOL!!! Thanks @scotters ;)

That was intense @jaynie. I do hold one view though: much of the so called brunt bared by women rests within their fists, within their control. Anyone woman - any human really -
who respects herself and play the game of her value's awareness, will rarely be toiled with

Very aptly put @holybranches!

Yes we are amazing, never forget that.
Love yourself and be proud, at least I am!

You can say that again @roselifecoach! hehehe ;) Thanks for the wonderfully positive input and for stopping by xxx

You are most welcome. I love reading your post and the posts from @steemitbloggers that I followed, which all are great content. I admired what you guys are doing, will fully support whenever I can!

Thank you so much @roselifecoach - that means a lot to me. If you would be interested in joining our community you are welcome to contact me directly on Discord... my username is jaynie#9450

Thank you again for the positive input x

Thank you @jaynie for the invitation! I am definitely interested in joining the community. Will contact you again as it's quite late over here, time to hit the sack. Good night!

no probs. chat soon :)

Sent you a friend request at Discord :)

Have accepted it :) Drop me a message when you are free to chat x

I totally agree with you that beauty and intelligence can exist with the same person. However............

I have often found that beautiful women are often not able to provide stimulating conversation. Now does this mean they are stupid? No. My thought is that the persons beauty has handicapped them in some regards. Often people will fawn over a person and open doors for them based on appearance alone. The beauty that the person holds means that they do not need to work as hard in other aspects.

Now when you do find a person that is beautiful, intelligent and educated that is the trifecta .

A completely alternative perspective @dwhntx - but VERY VERY true as well. As for the last line, thanks for the compliment... HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! juuuuust kidding ;)



Well, I’ve heard Sia The Greatest thanks to your ref. That’s an essential part of the answer to the questions. Another one is in this song:

But this wonderful… however: it depends on how much you’re a slave… personally about you, your writing it’s just great and you shine on-do not let dirty lure of ass-headed let you down throwing into hell

I am caring
I am loving
I am trustworthy
because I am a woman!
upvoted dear

Thank you :)

This post put a smile on my face. But the truth must be said most guy/man actually think woman are meant to be belittled and disrespect but anywhere you find a successful man just know there is a woman of honour staying beside him to guide his part

I'm @lorenzo1420

That is very sad - but also very true!

What an empowering post! So glad you wrote this, it had to be said some day and you said it very well ;)

Thank you @tripswithtam xxx

Excellent disortation on the hows and whys of what it is to be a woman. I am such a fan of my wife and the woman that she is. It absolutely amazes me how she can be so strong and fierce and in the same moment retain her feminine attributes with such style and grace. I would be far less of a man without the support and reassurance of her love. Thanks for being real about this subject!

What wonderful things to say about the lady in your life @papacrusher! (I hope she gets to read them)

Glad you enjoyed the piece and thanks for the positive feedback x

I'm speechless.

Now THERE'S something that doesn't happen everyday :P LOL!!!!


There were several chuckles while I was reading this and I still have a smile on my face. Well said in so many ways and yes "woman are not just a pretty face". PS I love the part about the male um on the sleeve...lol'ed there big time 😉

hehehe @jusipassetti... yeah I thought that might raise a few eyebrows ;)

So true !!

Women should not be left out in anything as Bible even describe them that they are the salt of life... If someone marry good wife, he sees the goodness and happiness in life.. Women are most powerful creatures that we need to respect them, honour,love and be faithful to them... I always doff my cap for women because they are my mothers...

This post put a smile on my face. But the truth must be said most guy/man actually think woman are meant to be belittled and disrespect but anywhere you find a successful man just know there is a woman of honour staying beside him to guide his part

I'm @lorenzo1420

I am a woman,I am an emotional and expressive creature,I let my heart speak to me long before my mind does but that does not mean I am not intelligent.

Thanks @jaynie. This are great words!

Women are adorably beautiful and world movers. They are powerful too. Massive respect.

What an empowering post! So glad you wrote this, it had to be said some day and you said it very well ;)