19th Singkil Anniversary Party Ends | Pesta Hari Jadi Singkil ke 19 Usai

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Exhibition of development in accompanying Cultural customary festival until presenting singer Padang Ipank in closing event finally ended.

Pameran pembangunan di sertai Festival adat kebudayaan sampai dengan menghadirkan penyanyi Padang Ipank di acara penutup akhirnya usai.


The parade which was held in the square was opened on 27 April by the Vice Regent of Aceh Singkil Sazali and closed by the Regent of Aceh Singkil Dulmusrid.

Parade yang di selenggarakan di lapangan Alun - alun itu dibuka sejak tanggal 27 April oleh Wakil Bupati Aceh Singkil Sazali dan di tutup oleh Bupati Aceh Singkil Dulmusrid.

The crowd is crowded at the closing ceremony. The padang artist really became a charmer, which was attended by people from various districts to neighboring areas The series of events, not as perfect as expected by the Organizar Event (EO) team.

Para penonton sesak pada acara penutupan. Artis padang itu benar - benar menjadi pemikat, yang di hadiri masyarakat dari berbagai Kecamatan hingga daerah tetangga.Rangkaian acara, tidak sesempurna yang di harapkan sebagaimana di kemas oleh tim Event Organizar(EO).


Because Ipank performed at the end of the show, as a result of kemalaman, some viewers who hope Ipank appear forced to go home because it's late at night, what else bringing the child's wife.

Pasalnya Ipank tampil di penghujung acara, akibatnya kemalaman, sebagian penonton yang berharap Ipank tampil terpaksa pulang karena udah larut malam, apa lagi membawa anak istri.

In spite of that I got to know with Ridwan the leader of the event pengemas Event Day of Aceh Singkil District to 19.

Terlepas dari itu saya sempat berkenalan dengan Ridwan pimpinan pengemas Acara Event Hari jadi Kabupaten Aceh Singkil ke 19.

It turns out that he is very experienced in packing the event every Event - the event that was held. In fact, he admitted that people of Aceh are also long in Jogja.

Ternyata beliau sangat berpengalaman mengemas acara setiap Event - event yang dilaksanakan. Bahkan beliau mengaku orang Aceh juga walau lama di Jogja.

Chairman of the 3rd Assistant Committee Setdakab Yusfa Hanum also said he was satisfied with the Aceh Singkil anniversary event held in the capital city of Aceh Singkil. "Hopefully the future will be better," he said.

Ketua Panitia Asisten III Setdakab Yusfa Hanum juga mengaku puas akan Event hari jadi Aceh Singkil yang dilaksanakan di Ibu kota Aceh Singkil. " Semoga kedepan lebih baik lagi," ujarnya.





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