Agonizing pain comes in many guises...

in blog •  7 years ago 

And this is one of them....

This little cutey just loves wet weather, and we have had a couple of months now, of rainy days - which I think must be the breeding cycle or something - because after a couple of months of wet weather you start to notice these things running around.
And they run fast.

This one was about 9 inches long, but i have seen them over twice this size.


Fortunately you do not see them very often.

If they bite you, you cry. A lot.
Having never had the pleasure of the bite myself, I can only go off reports - but they are all bad.

The most credible one is from a friend of mine who was ex 'special forces'.
He definitely qualified for the 'tough as shit' league.

He got bit by one of these cuties.

HIS words not mine - " I fell to the floor and screamed like a baby for hours" - he said it was the worse pain he had ever endured - and I know some of the others pains he has endured.

Which mean this bite must have been baaaaaaaaaaad


So I killed it. Two times in fact - just to be sure

( I have notice a couple of different types. They are similar- but different.-so I'm not sure if one is worse than the other..)

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I was in a cabin on a beach in the full moon island in Thailand and one these about 9 inches long bit me on the neck at midnight when I was sleeping. It felt like a snake bite. I was really scared and jumped out of bed in the pitch black to find the light switch. When I saw it burrowing under my pillow I grabbed the pillow and got it out and then washed my neck in soapy water and taped all gaps in window and doors. Lot of pain but survived it

Where were you staying? - in Koh phangan, I mean -I lived there a few years on and off...

I lived in Thailand for a few years and took my holidays to one of the islands. The island I was on this time was Koh Phangan and I was renting a little beach house about 30 minutes bike ride from the ferry in the south, but I forget now what it was called

Ok, cool.

I had one of them feckers under a toilet seat rim in Thailand.
I was stopping on the top floor of a hotel with a toilet flushing problem, for most of the day when I flushed, the toilet would fill up, then slowly drain down, at night it seemed much better and acted like a normal toilet.
I took a young lady back there one night, and the days deposits were still sitting in the toilet, and knowing she would want a shower I hurriedly flushed the "bog" sure enough it filled to the rim, good job it did though, as dark red one of those went swirling down the hole.
Imagine a bite in the bollox "ouch" no thanks.

Ouuuuuccccchhhhh, just thinking about getting bitten there is making my eyes water.


It probably would have been on the backside I suppose, but still it would I imagine be beyond a doubt bloody nasty.

I am so not into creepy crawlies the size of rodents, time for a blowtorch and a suit of armour methinks!! :-D


I clicked because you opened with "This little cutey..."

And I was all like-

That thing there looks like a monster.

And then the terrifying truth unfolded...


Nine inches?! Twice that?!
Plus, because you never name the creature this reads like a horror short. And this notion (that it's fiction) is the only thing that will allow me to sleep at night, for if I knew what to call it, you could damn well bet I'd google it and NEVER go where they go. NEVER. Nope.Nu-uh.