Anarcho communism, a decent into the ridiculous. And I haven't even started chapter 1 yet!

in blog •  7 years ago 


Now call me Mr Picky (call me anything you like really , I don't mind -except Bernie Sanders, please don't call me that.)

I digress....

IF you are going to write a book, some intellectual arguments to explain and illustrate all your brilliant thoughts, concepts and visions, you would think that in starting your works, it would be pretty logically 'tight'.

While dubious arguments may well become apparent in your chapters, the very beginnings - before you actually start chapter 1, - is not the place to put them...

I mean, that seems to me at least - to be the most a minimal kind of requirement. Start solid.
Or am I being too picky?
I don't think so.

If you see more holes in the introduction than an average Swiss cheese, it hardly inspires you to take the rest of it too seriously, does it?
......Or am I being too picky?
I don't think so.

I decided to avoid that rabbit hole of discussions with ideologues.. It goes nowhere...
"No Patriot, I said to myself, "Stay away from that black hole. "

Did I?


I then suddenly realized that the IDEOLOGUE - in whatever T-shirt it turns up in, to the party - is as much 'the enemy' as is the establishment itself. One crazy replacing another.
To ordinary people getting on with life with a sense on morality and rules who are NOT bound by an ideology, they are all whack jobs..
....The sandal wearing hippy who bludgeons you to death for not believing in pacifism, kind of thing...

...So enjoy my tongue in cheek take on..anarcho communism this time. Same shit, different ideology.
I didn't get as far as chapter one....

I was pointed in the direction of a book, written back in 1929.


Title: What Is Communist Anarchism?
Author: Alexander Berkman
Date: 1929
...... a book recommended to me by @freebornangel to explain anarcho communism....

(Much less fun than looking at a board game).

OK, always one to give the benefit of the doubt, (see the months long agonizing conversation with @smidgeTV )...and with an open mind, I clicked.... ready to be blown away by watertight arguments that would leave me struggling for retort..

I like it when that happens....

That did not happen....

Here is the link if you wish to read it yourself, I will take some excerpts out of it.
Not to argue the anarcho communism ideology - for or against . I had stopped reading waaaaaay before that.
All credibility was gone.

Here are some excerpts.

....Not to ridicule the author, no. He does that all by himself quite admirably.

It's much more like ridicule of people that use this book as this as some kind of coherent understanding of an ideology.
The gullibility of the ideologue....'Willful blindness' is the only way I can describe it...

Should we crowdfund a care center for them, or something?


' the hospice for the ideologically mentally infirm '.... that kinda has a nice ring to it...

I digress, back to ripping this guy a new one...

Our social institutions are founded on certain ideas; as long as the latter are generally believed, the institutions built on them are safe. Government remains strong because people think political authority and legal compulsion necessary. Capitalism will continue as long as such an economic system is considered adequate and just. The weakening of the ideas which support the evil and oppressive present-day conditions means the ultimate breakdown of government and capitalism. Progress consists in abolishing what man has outlived and substituting in its place a more suitable environment.

Oooooh, we are not off to a good start here..(we are only on the second paragraph).

Capitalism will continue as long as such an economic system is considered adequate and just.

This can only be in reference to Government, political authority, and legal compulsion...
So mixing together capitalism with institutions of government as though they are the same thing....?A dodgy assumption there.
If this is being set up as 'a truth' to be later built upon, I see a collapse occurring...oh no , this isn't good... this isn't good at all...

The weakening of the ideas which support the evil and oppressive present-day conditions means the ultimate breakdown of government and capitalism

Why this obsession with governments and capitalism being connected?
The only connection is that government creates crony capitalism.

Lets hope we are not conflating those two complete opposites - capitalism and crony capitalism - as the THE SAME ANIMAL.
That would not be a good start for a book of this kind...

We are still on the Forward, not even into chapter 1 yet.

(This book was written in 1929, btw - so there are many references to the Russian revolution and the West - some of which are are sharp observations... Respect on that score. )
Enough of being nice.......

They have always claimed that the State is destructive to individual liberty and social harmony, and that only the abolition of coercive authority and material inequality can solve our political, economic and national problems
But their arguments, though based on the age-long experience of man, seemed mere theory to the present generation, until the events of the last two decades have demonstrated in actual life the truth of the Anarchist position.

.....and that only the abolition of coercive authority and material inequality can solve our political, economic and national problems

Material inequality? How does that work then...? You will need an authority(coercive?) to decide what exactly is inequality...mmmm.


but their arguments, though based on the age-long experience of man,

Arguments based on the 'age long experience' of man? 5000 yrs worth of history - of which none of it based on anarchy as a social system-seems quite a strong base, from which to argue any position.
Considering that 'the age long experience of man' has not been anarchic in it's construction, (a brief transitory state at most) would mean that it is not based on anything at all.

seemed mere theory to the present generation, until the events of the last two decades have demonstrated in actual life the truth of the Anarchist position.

Seemed mere theory? They _are _ mere theories, that would be why.
The truth of the anarchists position being the one of 'age long experience of man', ISN'T - actually true, only wishful thinking..

Look! Over there - Is that a seismograph needle I see? Is it starting to tremble.....?

Phew, we made it to....


I want to tell you about it in such plain and simple language that there will be no misunderstanding it. Big words and high sounding phrases serve only to confuse. Straight thinking means plain speaking.

The most intelligent thing I have read in this so far. Truly intelligent..
Promising....but in the very next sentence....he lets himself down, oh so badly.

But before I tell you what Anarchism is, I want to tell you what it is not.

I know it's not a ping pong ball, or a zebra. I know it's not lots of thing, to be quite honest. Telling me what it is not does, not tell me what it is...So much for plain speaking.
Doesn't plain speaking mean telling us what it is?. Not, what is isn't?

....That is necessary because so much falsehood has been spread about Anarchism.

So what ? Telling us what it is not in no way helps to tell us what it is , now does it?

Even intelligent persons often have entirely wrong notions about it.

Oh, a lovely introduction to the reader, suggesting that if you do not understand
'....If I doesn't understand the argument, then I mustn't be intelligent...'
Oh dear.
A good subtle mind trick of the disingenuous, or insecure - to make sure that it must be the reader not understanding this plain speak that he talks about.
It has nothing to do with his arguments being total bollocks.
OK then....

Just now I can tell you that neither your political boss nor your employer, neither the capitalist nor the policeman will speak to you honestly about Anarchism.

but...but...but I am a capitalist , and am an employer, and I will happily talk about anarchism...and have done so on many, many occasions with my employees...

But you're telling me I will NOT do that.
One of us must be lying then.... Let me go check....


Nope it's not me - I just went and had an honest chat to an employee about it....

... and all of them hate it

I don't hate it at all - I thinks it's an excellent topic to discuss...I feel an insecurity fissure starting to appear. We are still on the introduction...

Their newspapers and publications — the capitalistic press — are also against it.

Is this that conflation with crony capitalism and capitalism rearing its ugly head again?
He really does need to clarify that in his own head.
Perhaps he doesn't make any kind of delineation?
It's like trying to play a game of chess, but both players have identical pieces, and both of the same color.
It doesn't work.

It is it most certainly not a clear position to take while still on an introduction to a book....

(I made that bit darker - 'cos it's important, see.)

He does point out how ignorant and dishonest Marx and Engels were, so it's not all bad...

After the list of what Anarchism isn't , he then tells you what it should be.
(he never mentioned ping pong balls or Zebra's though, which does worry me a little).

Ah, the ideologues safe space, the comfort blanket.
The shield of infallibility.

The shield of 'should'.

What it should be...

Anarchism means that you should be free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose upon you.
It means that you should be free to do the things you want to do; and that you should not be compelled to do what you don’t want to do.

It means that you should have a chance to choose the kind of a life you want to live, and live it without anybody interfering.
It means that the next fellow should have the same freedom as you, that every one should have the same rights and liberties.
It means that all men are brothers, and that they should live like brothers, in peace and harmony.

That is to say, that there should be no war, no violence used by one set of men against another, no monopoly and no poverty, no oppression, no taking advantage of your fellow-man.


We are still on the bloody introduction ....

In short, Anarchism means a condition or society where all men and women are free, and where all enjoy equally the benefits of an ordered and sensible life.

‘Can that be?’ you ask; ‘and how?’

Lots of drugs, mate...lot's and lots of drugs to perpetuate your delusions..

Anarchism means that you should be free; that no one should enslave you, boss you, rob you, or impose upon you.

No one is. You're not compelled to go to work, you choose to. You are not a slave, (excluding Libya of course, but generally speaking).
A wage slave is your own imposed slavery, no one is imposing it on you.

It means that you should be free to do the things you want to do; and that you should not be compelled to do what you don’t want to do.

But after puberty, life isn't like that. Sorry .
As an adult our life is filled with choices of doing what you don't want to do and vice versa. Adulthood.
This is juvenile day dreaming..

It means that you should have a chance to choose the kind of a life you want to live, and live it without anybody interfering.

We do already with exception of pesky governments - but only if you choose to. Many prefer much harder lives, living away from any government control. Freedom isn't equal, just like everything else in life...
But i digress...

It means that the next fellow should have the same freedom as you, that every one should have the same rights and liberties.

That's pretty much already been covered, so nothing new. See magna carta, constitution, and bill of rights etc....

It means that all men are brothers, and that they should live like brothers, in peace and harmony.

Are we singing in a coca cola add here...?


That is to say, that there should be no war, no violence used by one set of men against another, no monopoly and no poverty, no oppression, no taking advantage of your fellow-man.

That is to say...

all of human history was a mistake. All our actions were 'wrong'. We all got it wrong for 10000 years or more?

Maybe, (whispers ) just maybe, your model is TOTAL BULLSHIT??? ( I shouted that bit).

Just sayin' ...either that - or I'm not intelligent enough to understand........ahhh, ! verrrry clever...!!!!

People still read the rest of the book?

After reading 'the Forward', and then 'the introduction'...

they are sold on the wisdom of this author?

How is that even possible, with logical inconsistencies, silly assertions, and shown in only a few paragraphs? Seriously?

What does that tell you about the readers who continue to reading this 'Swiss cheese logic', and make it a foundational aspect of their truth? ,
( ....and then use it as a reference of.......wisdom?).

I am really starting to see ALL ideologues as all just as dangerous as one another...

....after destroying this little utopian rant, I' ll leave it there..... for now..

I actually had great fun doing this!
(I hope that isn't act of aggression....or something.).

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Wow. As you did with the book, I stopped reading after the first analysis you made. So let's just focus on the first chapter, right? There, you called out on the writer to mix institutions with government and capitalism.

Yet it makes all the sense for me. In any country, the government enforces the market practices - may it be free or controlled - through its institutions. And the author criticizing both government and capitalism cause he is an anarcho-communist! He opposes the existence of both.

I hope it helps you understand the book a bit better. Cheers!

In any country, the government enforces the market practices - may it be free or controlled

capitalism and free market operate perfectly without government - as soon as there is any enforcement, so crony capitalism begins..

And the author criticizing both government and capitalism cause he is an anarcho-communist! He opposes the existence of both.

Free markets (capitalism in its most basic form) are not a created system, they are a natural dynamic ' you scratch my back, I''ll scratch yours'..- unlike communism ,blah, blah..

To conflate them twice in the forward and introduction implies an inherent complicity -which is incorrect, which is my point. markets predate any systems, governmental or otherwise..

there's no such thing as communist anarchism
social structures may be judged in TWO ways.
either the members are MORE or LESS free.
anything socialist (communism) makes their members LESS free.
that's it in a nutshell.

but....but....but....oh yeah....

....Not to ridicule the author, no. He does that all by himself quite admirably.


Material inequality? How does that work then...? You will need an authority(coercive?) to decide what exactly is inequality...mmmm.

Oh, This has always been my argument! I have a friend who married a Chilean woman, whose parents are pro-Pinochet (this is a big, no - no in Chile). Anyways, her parents say that when Salvador Allende rose to power; he himself with his men seized the family's paper factories. They did this to many other wealthy families too. But, the thing is, Chile's overall population did not become more prosperous or equal during his administration.

This is juvenile day dreaming..

I totally agree.

That is to say, that there should be no war, no violence used by one set of men against another, no monopoly and no poverty, no oppression, no taking advantage of your fellow-man.

This would mean to go against our biology, our chemistry. This would mean to go against millions of years of evolution. Hierarchy, violence and inequality have been around WAY before humans stepped on this earth, it is within us, it is in our ancient brain. Around 300 million years ago our nervous system was rather simple (comparatively); yet, the neurochemistry to assimilate and perform social status was already in place in organisms we evolved from.This is something highly relevant; but always dismissed. It turns out it is not capitalist that prompts war and inequality, it is Mother nature!

How is that even possible, with logical inconsistencies, silly assertions, and shown in only a few paragraphs? Seriously?

Cognitive bias.

Good post! :)

Thank you, thank you!

I was totally not expecting this comment.....

bugger....I see a couch....

Sorry ... I think I had too much coffee after lunch 😌 wasn't a criticism in the apology needed....I loved the comment!

narcotically motivated, uh? lol. (I'm teasing)

.....oh you scare me a little bit, btw
( I don't scare easily).


How? Why?


I am going for walk ... too long at my desk!

You take care 😊

oh relax!

.....honestly. You don't really - I was being flippant...It is extremely nice to talk to someone like yourself, is all....
It doesn't happen very often.

You take care senhora .. past my bedtime here....

speak later.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ever get that feeling of being a kid again?............I just got it making this!!!!
I'm on a creative binge...lolol

Here's a (very) brief glimpse into other cultures, and their differences in psychological mindsets - eastern/western? or rich and poor?, tough, weak?...or - I'm not sure really...

It's a true story though.., just last night...

So, yes, picky.
But, as that is what we are doing here,...

No one is. You're not compelled to go to work, you choose to. You are not a slave, (excluding Libya of course, but generally speaking).
A wage slave is your own imposed slavery, no one is imposing it on you.

If the crapitalusts control all the food, the choice is submit, to exploitation by not receiving the full value your labor creates, or starve.
Hardly a free choice.

But, lets put aside the words of those that have failed to resolve this difference of opinion, eh?

As long as the workers continue to do the work, the goods are available for consumption, yes?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

There is no over arching control of food in free market economies. As long as one can produce enough capital formation, they can rent or own land and produce plenty of food.

To get full value of your labor, you have to own a means of production/existence. YOU have to own your own to get full value..... not the state/collective.

"Monopoly and the private ownership of the means of existence are therefore eliminated as an abridgement of the equal opportunity of all. "

Here is the fundamental flaw. Not the monopoly part, but the supposition that a person wants to be separated from their means of production to create some fiction of equal opportunity. (also a point here, how are you going to 'eliminate ownership of the means of existence'..... every time it has been the state, so, not much anarchy in that scheme)

and later it literally says:

“But why not give each according to the value of his work?”

Which goes against what you are proposing as 'full value for your labor'.

It continues to churn away at the problem of determining value. That problem has been addressed by the Subjective Theory of Value that was pretty much solved decades ago, yet this antique of a notion that somehow communism is some sort of answer, persists.

It persists because academia is a socialist job, and the teachers pedaling this crap require socialism to have jobs.

freeborn, I have read many good things about you and I think your heart is in the correct place, but communism is repeatedly a bad concept.

First, the incentives are screwed up when you remove people from their means of production. (The workers don't continue to do the work because the costs and inefficiencies of central planning will always degrade the value of their work worse than a free market.... they defect and start producing on the black market where their labor is worth more, or....defect to a free market country where their labor is worth more)

Secondly, as the saying goes, each according to his ability, to each according to his need, has a fundamental flaw. The needs of man are infinite, and the abilities of man are limited. That makes Communism a SCAM! It's a really bad pyramid scheme cloaked in the clothes of 'good intentions'.

(Where did you find communism, and why did you start endorsing it?)

Ok, thank you for your kind words.
Im gonna ask you the same question, for the purpose of moving past failed past endeavors.

As long as the workers continue to do the work, the goods continue to be available for consumption, yes?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Yes, as long as someone finds those goods of more subjective value than other goods, and as long as the workers find more subjective value (incentive) in continuing to work at that job and not another.

Either of those things fail, and the answer changes to no. So the question is directly dependent on subjective values.

Communism is antithetical to subjective value as subjective value is more based in individualism than collectivism.

Ok, so as long as the work continues to be done the goods are available whether accounting accounts, or falls in a lake, yes?

As long as the workers continue production the warehouses are full.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

If work continues on products that nobody subjectively values, the goods that system produces ends up as waste.

Just because work continues doesn't mean that the work is producing something that is wanted.

It's not useful looking at it from the production side only. There has to be demand. Not some collectivist central planning, guess of what demand is, but acknowledgment of what each person values in a product.....subjective value.

If you look at it solely from production, you are simply pushing a rope. It's what's called a 'push system'.

What you want to see in efficient systems, is a 'pull system' so there is demand signaling of what to produce, how much to produce, at what price, at what quality, and how quickly. Again, that demand signaling is based around subjective value.

When your production is matching close to subjective value, there isn't a lot in the warehouse. Many production operations ship directly without hitting a warehouse therefore they don't have that cost associated of a product setting on a shelf.

The warehouses only order what they have demand for.
If you cant give your products away its time to make something else.

So, we have agreed that as long as the people that did all the work today to fill the shelves continue tomorrow that things go along without much change at all?

Hold on here, do you, or do you not, agree that subjective value is what's driving demand, and that demand is specific to quality, price, and speed of delivery?


That is to say, that there should be no war, no violence used by one set of men against another, no monopoly and no poverty, no oppression, no taking advantage of your fellow-man.

Machiavelli in "The Prince" said in one part that

"men are always bad unless the need makes them good"

and I imagine that he spoke with this about a part of human nature, the one that the "anarcho-communist "(this really exists? that much nonsense?)compadre wants to deny.

He does point out how ignorant and dishonest Marx and Engels were, so it's not all bad...

:D huhu!!! but the anarcho-communist were in "war" against the communists so it is normal that they speak bad from each other ;)

Was a good read and also very good comments :)