Phytomedicine and chemical composition of pharmaceuticals

in blog •  2 months ago 

Although in recent years phytomedicine has aroused interest in the world, mainly because of its natural condition, and also because it is the only therapeutic means in countries with serious economic problems, in general terms there is little information on the real potential of phytomedicine.

Basically due to the lack of systematicity of the scientific content on a global scale, and where there is no interest in divulging the specific effects that plant substances have on the multiple pathologies that affect our health, an aspect that makes it difficult to understand and analyze that the genesis of medicine is prescribed by nature.

Image 2. There is a lack of systematization of the scientific content that supports the use of plant substances for medicinal purposes. Public domain image, Author: Angelorosa, 2013

I wanted to start this post, outlining this order of ideas in order to share my opinion on why not all medicine is natural if everything comes from nature, now, if we detail the chemical composition of commercial drugs, we will find a description of the main synthetic molecules that have been designed in sophisticated laboratories from phytosubstances.

These synthetic molecules are subsequently applied in animals at an experimental level, then evaluated in a clinical context, where, according to their effectiveness and safety, they are indicated in specific dosages. However, if you have reached this point, you should ask yourself the following questions: What is the origin and identification of the non-synthetic molecule, where does the source of information providing the effects of the non-synthetic molecule come from, where does the source of information providing the effects of the non-synthetic molecule come from?.

Image 3. Phytosubstances act positively to alleviate health problems. Public domain image, Author: Kerdkanno, 2015

Understanding the above, it is necessary to ask why not all medicine is natural if everything comes from nature. In the face of this question, it is enough to understand that all extraction of molecules is carried out using natural materials, and that the information on their effects on health has ancestral ancestry.

What happens is that throughout history society, and specifically the pharmacological industry, has been responsible for distorting and hiding the potential of natural substances, however, when creating a synthetic drug, they go to nature, extract the specific substances, create synthetic (artificial) copies with the same effects that exert the substances of natural origin.

This with the firm purpose of massifying these copies on a large scale and obtaining economic benefits, and at the same time creating biases and false news in the search to prevent people from using natural materials to cure their ailments, because with this, they avoid the intensive extraction of natural substances, which impacts on their income from the sale of synthetic (artificial) drugs.


[1] Sendker J Composition and Quality Control of Herbal Medicines. Artículo: Acceso Online


The cover image was designed by the author: @lupafilotaxia, incorporating the public domain image background: Cenczi, 2014

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