✿ Come and get to know me better | Ten things about me ✿

in blog •  7 years ago 

Dear friends of Steemit, welcome:

Today I want to do something different, I want them to know me better, and what better way to do it than by answering questions? In my previous post I asked for questions, but I didn't receive them, so I asked my friends to ask them. Then let's get started;

1- What is your dream?

Well, I have a lot of dreams. Example of them: getting married, having my own apartment, a good job, helping my parents in everything and making them live like the kings that are for me, since they have always treated me like a princess.


2- What's your worst fear?

My worst fear is that my mother will die, I know that this will happen at some point, but I pray that it will still be a long time, but I want her to reach 120 years old. That lady is my life, my whole life, and I don't know what would happen to me without her.


3- What kind of music do you like?

I am very varied with the music, in a moment I can be listening to Pop, then ballads, techno, k-pop, and even haha salsa. But the kind of music I like most is metal.


4- What's your favorite place in town?

I think the answer is obvious. Bowling, I love that place, I like to play with my friends and my family, whenever we go it is laughs and more laughter, it is very funny when someone manages to make a Chuza and celebrates with jumps and shouts. Without a doubt, it's my favorite place in my City.


5- If you could be an animal, what animal would you be and why?

It would be a cat. Because they're too cute and huggable, they're always playing, sleeping or eating, and of course, that would be great, who wouldn't like it?

6- What motivates your life?

Make progress. My motivation is to progress in this difficult but beautiful life, I keep thinking about how incredible it will be when I achieve my dream and how happy I will feel to help those I love.


7- Which sport do you like?

There are two sports that I like very much; Kikimbol and football, since I entered high school I loved kikimbol, that was the sport that my classmates and I played in the sport class. And as for football, my father always taught me that sport, because he loves it and I always watch the games with him.


8- What's your favorite dish?

Pasticho is my favorite dish, I love melted cheese on top of ham, ground meat, pasta... It makes me water in my mouth just to think of that delicacy.


9- What are your three favorite bands?

Avenged Sevenfold is my favorite band of all, also Slipknot and Gorillaz.


10-What are your favorite series?

I don't know if the question refers to normal series or animated series, but I like both; American Horror Story, Star vs. the forces of evil, Narcos and Gravity Falls.


Well, this has been 10 things about me, I hope you liked to know a little bit more, I enjoyed doing this post. Thank you so much for reading. See you next time!

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