Good morning Steemit

in blog •  7 years ago 

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for giving me many useful tips about a replacement for my AdvCash cards.

I'm going to check them all out, but I think I'll go and try out Kraken first.

Header sunrise

So, yesterday I got the news that my AdvCash creditcards would be cancelled. I still had some money sitting on them, so I used that up. I ordered a couple of things from AliExpress to empty out my virtual card. Then, once my boyfriend came home from work, we drove over to take up cash from my plastic card. So atleast I have that money in hands now.

I still have money left on my AdvCash account which I'm not sure what to do with. I can switch it over to PayPal, but that would mean I would lose about 20% of it in fees. I could also buy back into bitcoin or ethereum. I guess I'll check out those options once I tried out Kraken.

Besides that little unexpected news, I didn't do much yesterday. I did laundry, watched Netflix and made lasagnette, yum! I've got some left for dinner tonight, since my boyfriend is working late and I have to eat alone.

I had a headache yesterday, because I had let my sugar intake go for a while. I did a sugarless day yesterday, which did not make me feel all too great. I hope the headache will stay gone today, but we'll see. I've got some buckwheat pancakes left from yesterday's lunch, so that'll be my lunch again today.

Today, I want to see if I can get a couple of plants. I want one or two for our extra bedroom, because it's a small room and after a night of sleep in there, the air quality is quite bad. I hope plants will help a little bit with that. I can't buy many though, since I'll have to walk over to the garden center. Gotta check out what bag I can use!

Tomorrow is a family day again. We'll eat over at my boyfriend's dad with my boyfriend's sister and her family. My mum will join us too and sleep over again, since she has her coaching course tomorrow. On sunday, we'll go over to my brother and his girlfriend. It'll be good to see them again! I still have to give him his birthday gift for last month! I ordered some nice little trinkets from AliExpress and filled up a basket with food and those trinkets.

That's it for today! Hope you're all doing well!

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Good luck with Kraken! :c) It might pose an issue with getting verified. :c/ Otherwise its a pretty good platform (and I speak from my limited degree of crypto experience).

An alternative platform to consider might be Waves. Its platform is still Beta but their verification is working.

Exchanging money into a variety of cryptos for transfer does sound interesting (in which case one factor to consider is the fees for withdrawals (Bitcoin tending to be more expensive than, say, Litecoin or Ripple).

Good luck. :c)

Yeah, I'm not looking forward to going through verification again. It was a pain on AdvCash. We'll see how that goes.

I'll keep waves in mind for later, though Kraken for now seems the most viable option.

I never went through the extended verification on Kraken, and it works fine but the withdrawal amount is then limited to about €1700,- I think.

Aah I see! Is that €1700,- a lifetime limit?

No, daily, I think. At least it was high enough not to constrain me, but I don't know how rich you are 8-).

Ooooh, daily is no problem at all, since I'm not rich at all :D

too many verification in advancecash it ask for the picture of your id of you telecom bill. then after if you want to deposit money it will ask for documents again.

Yeah, the verification was a real pain! I finally managed it about a month ago and now this :-(

Hi! I am a real human and this is a real comment!

Just stopping in to say hello. I hope all is well with you aside from life's curve balls. I get those too. Sometimes I knock them out of the park, other times, not so much. Oh well... There's always the next game, right!

Hi there mister artist himself! How nice of you to drop by :D

All is well, the AdvCash setback is a small one and hey, atleast they gave me the option to do some AliExpress orders. It's a good thing I can't do that anymore. I was starting to look like a shop-a-holic!

I'll find a new way!

Hope you're doing well too. I like your revenge on the art bitch. The best revenge is success, right?

Things are good. I don't like calling it revenge. Things just fell into place. It's a bittersweet victory. Just one of those things, ya know? Stuff like that needs to happen from time to time. It's necessary. Sucks at first, but you get over it, if you use it as fuel. I'm starting to realize, I don't like wasting my fuel. I want to burn every last drop. The good things in life fill the tank now. Didn't always have those! I'm rambling...

Haha, sounds like you've got the right idea! It's good to read stories like those sometimes, of things working out in the end. Like karma, you know :D

What did you watch on Netflix? It might give me ideas what to watch next. 📺

I'm currently watching Once upon a time :-)

That's a lovely series, I should pick up where I left off where the story focused on Hook.

Yeah, I didn't remember where I left the series years ago, so I just started re-watching the whole thing. I'm now somewhere in season 2.

I had a headache yesterday, because I had let my sugar intake go for a while. I did a sugarless day yesterday, which did not make me feel all too great.

You can't lower your sugar intake in a day, you have to do it in a couple of weeks, be careful with that, you can faint if you lower them too quickly, and trust me, it's not fun when you faint and you open up your head because of it

Yeaaah, the headache is a good example of that, though I think I'm going to have to suffer through a couple more of those. I'm not really able to go cold turkey anyway, since the cravings get too much and I just need a piece of chocolate :-)

Excelent blog. Good post...

wow you've got nice articles I must confess

I love your decision to buy in to bitcoin or ethereum, I that is a smart decision.
I also wanted to open Advcash card but it didn't went through, I guess I was lucky.

Yeah, would have been a waste now :-)

Morning too @playfulfoodie, I happen to be in the afternoon :)

Aah those pesky time differences ;-)