Mind control, targeted individuals and chemtrails are a Lucifarnian plot to control the world.

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)

Mind Control, targeted individuals and chemtrails,are part of a Lucifarnian plot to control the world.

One especially invasive attack method in the area of ‘psycho-electronic’ mind control is ‘voice to skull’. Voice to skull is the transmission of voice, or any other audible or subliminal sound, beamed directly into the hearing sense of the mind control victim.

Three years ago I became a targeted individual and I was targeted with Voice2Skull technology. I was targeted because I started channelling the fae and tapping into my higher potential and this identified me as a target to the Deep State. By channelling the fae it was like I had a huge spotlight on myself and I became a target because they do not want people to escape from the Lucifarnian matrix that exists. Specifically, they don't want people who can influence others to escape the matrix so they target them.

Voice to skull device or technology - is a weapon used for transmitting voices with low or high frequencies. Voices can be commands or harassment attacks that may look like the Targeted Individual's own voice, in my case it was a male voice. Voice2Skull or V2K can also be used to induce or manipulate dreams or to deprive the Targeted Individual's of sleep. In my case I had one prime attacker but several sub attackers that I channelled regularly.

These attacks are sometimes done around the clock to victims and can be one of the severest forms of torture. Personally I channelled these men from approximately 11am in the morning until I went to bed at night. Voice to skull technology is sometimes also referred to as “synthetic telepathy.”

Current-day voice to skull technology cannot be stopped by any known electromagnetic shielding, a fact which demonstrates how advanced classified mind control technology has become. However, you can make yourself more comfortable using chemical blockers which will block a large proportion of the transmissions but you will still experience some 'bleed through'.

At first I didn't know what was happening to me and I must confess that I thought that I was losing my mind, thankfully my tormentors were arrogant and they told me that they were using technology to do this and this set me onto the path of finding a successful counter-measure. It has taken me almost a year to come back to reality from this experience. And the journey back has been quite gruelling.

I made the decision to tell of my experiences to raise awareness of the issue because I discovered through research that this kind of attack was unfortunately quite common.

Mind control transmitters and Gwen transmitters are dotted around the US, UK and Australia disguised as cell towers and trees. It is estimated that over ten million people are targeted individuals worldwide. Their aim is to target and destroy all opposition to their nefarious plans of world domination. They want to establish a one world government, the new world order.

It is common for psycho-electronic mind control victims to report a very frequent or constant “ringing in the ears”, which is also a symptom of the “Lowery” method of subliminal voice conversion. Lowery’s method is described in U.S. patent 5,159,703 and such a converter can easily be built by someone with reasonable electronic assembly abilities. Source: the7thfire.com
Source: https://sites.google.com/site/targetedindividuals101/home/v2k
Other symptoms include skin rashes, unexplained reoccurring bruising and sores.

PATENT - “…Sound is induced in the head of a person by radiating the head with microwaves in the range of 100 megahertz to 10,000 megahertz that are modulated with a particular waveform. The waveform consists of frequency modulated bursts. Each burst is made up of ten to twenty uniformly spaced pulses grouped tightly together. The burst width is between 500 nanoseconds and 100 microseconds. The pulse width is in the range of 10 nanoseconds to 1 microsecond. The bursts are frequency modulated by the audio input to create the sensation of hearing in the person whose head is irradiated…” Source: Patent for Voice to Skull technology http://www.rense.com/general37/skull.htm

The psychological damage that this evil technology causes cannot be underestimated, it is the ultimate in invasion. It's potential as a 'non-lethal' weapon that is incredibly effective is why it is used and tested to fine tune this technology.

“…When used as a “non-lethal” weapons system it becomes an ideal means for neutralising or discrediting a political opponent. Peace protesters, inconvenient journalists and the leaders of vocal opposition groups can be stunned into silence with this weapon. Artificial telepathy also offers an ideal means for complete invasion of privacy.
If all thoughts can be read, then Passwords, PIN numbers, and personal secrets simply cannot be protected. One cannot be alone in the bathroom or shower. Embarrassing private moments cannot be hidden: they are subject to all manner of hurtful comments and remarks. Evidence can be collected for blackmail with tremendous ease: all the wrongs or moral lapses of one’s past are up for review.
Like a perverted phone caller, a hostile person with this technology in hand can call at any time of day, all day long. Sleep can be disrupted. Prayers can be desecrated, religious beliefs mocked. Business meetings can be interrupted, thoughts derailed. Love can be polluted, perverted, twisted, abused. Dreams can be invaded, fond memories trashed. The attacker cannot be seen or identified, the attack cannot be stopped, and the psychological damage is enormous. But there is no physical damage, not one single mark is left on the body and there is absolutely no proof that any crime or any violation ever took place!
Everything that “happens” to the victim happens inside the victim’s head. What physical evidence is there to give the police? Without physical evidence, how can one photograph the “crime scene” or fingerprint the stalker? There are no footprints leading to or from the scene. Indeed, there is no physical scene at all, and no evidence that an attack ever took place. Most people who experience this abusive form of “artificial telepathy” feel as if their mind has been raped. They find themselves hunted, stalked, harassed and abused by a person or persons who refuse to give their names, who defile one’s mind with the most foul and perverse language imaginable, and who refuse to hang up or go away. The caller or callers delight in the perverse and sadistic torture of their targets.
Furthermore, they delight in violating the privacy of their targets, reading the target’s mind and commenting on everything the target thinks, in an effort to demonstrate as brutally as possible that the target has no privacy at all…” Source: http://www.mindcontrol.se/?page_id=1681

The above writer is correct, it does feel invasive, it does make you feel as if your mind has been pillaged and it leaves you stunned. The complete loss of privacy and loss of control are indescribably terrible and take their toll on you. It literally turns your mind to mush. It takes a long time to recover.

It's like being the target of the worst kind of stalker, one that you cannot escape from, one that is always there, probing your mind. You have no secrets, every last embarrassing detail of your life is an open book to them. And they will not leave you alone. They are relentless.

The worst thing is that there is nowhere conventional that you can go to get help, because if you complain about voices in your head, you are sure to be committed 'for your own good', how do you convince someone else that the voices in your head are real? It is an isolating experience and your tormentors know this and use it to their own advantage.

Naturally at first you are confused, you are hearing voices in your head after all but then you get very angry, this is your mind, your life after all, what right do they have to interfere with you? Fortunately, there is a lot of information available online and there are forums of targeted individuals. That's where I found a lot of information and tips.

It also helps that I am incredibly stubborn and a fighter.

The people that have these technologies I call the Deep State, they are globalists and are Lucifarian, they exist over many borders, however a lot of their operations is in the United States and the UK. They target political dissidents to experiment on and target for their Lucifarian masters. They are honing their mind control technologies for use on the wider masses.

The Deep State is controlled by a small group of people that effectively run this world. You don't know them but they control every aspect of your lives. They control the media, the banks, government and corporations, they are global, they are psychopaths and they are Lucifarian. You may not believe in Lucifer or black magic but nonetheless it is very real and these people believe it. I call them the 'unnamed enemy', they are sometimes referred to as the Illuminati.

Please watch this interview with Ronald Bernard a former top banker, as he describes the Lucifarnian small group of people who control the world.

I believe that they are working towards creating the singularity, a universal human hive mind using the 5G network and 'smart-dust' which we all have ingested after being sprayed by chemrails containing the dust. Smart dust or carbon nanotubes are miniature computers that are able to be inhaled and attach to brain cells in the hypothalamus region.

These people want to create their order out of (perceived) chaos which is a Lucifarian and black magic aim.

They like to do things with multiple agendas to achieve their ends. This is the other reason for chemtrails, geo-engineering and solar radiation management, and why they aim to dim the sun, because this furthers their Lucifarian black magic spells into the daytime and promotes the doom and gloom of the masses.

Their goal is to connect everything and everyone to the Internet of Things, making the planet a giant machine. They want to do this so that they can have ultimate control over people.

Recently I found this 'smart-dust' in my backyard, the scary thing was that this 'dust' could move on it's own accord. I have also noticed a lot of chem-trail activity in the area especially early in the mornings. It appears as if we have all inhaled this smart dust which is what the Deep State will use to control us.

I can't help but think that they want total control over people that they consider to be 'useless eaters' and that they are currently working towards creating a real slave class made up of mind controlled serfs serving an Elite. We will all be connected, a hive mind, complete slaves. They have all of the technology to do this.

They are already working towards this goal, dumbing down the population through our so-called education systems and distracting us with TV, sport and celebrity gossip while they work quietly in the background towards their goal of the creation of a one world government controlled by them.

They are also instigating the biggest transfer of wealth and assets in history and when they are done, we the 99%, will be completely under their control. Debt is a tool of enslavement, and the fact that humanity is now more than 200 trillion dollars in debt should deeply alarm all of us.

A table of household debt:

The world's media and the dominant narrative is controlled by these people and they want to keep us docile and dumbed down so we don't figure out what is happening to us and to our world. The fact is that a huge deception is taking place, the Lucifarnian Elite is deceiving the masses into losing their freedom, their assets and ultimately their souls and lives. But they can be beaten, there is hope. All that is needed to break their black spell is knowledge of the truth.

Be a truth seeker, everything in this world is a deception, look below the surface and see the truth, it is there waiting to be found. And spread the word, once you have woken up from the spell that has been cast over us, tell others what you have found and try to wake them too. Black magic can't survive in the light, it is time to shine the light of truth on these dark matters .

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Image 1 twitter.com https://twitter.com/hashtag/voice2skull
Image 2 blog.thebrokerslist.com https://blog.thebrokerlist.com/7-reasons-why-you-should-consult-a-cell-tower-expert/
Image 3 twitter.com https://twitter.com/hashtag/voice2skull
Image 4 wakingtimes.com http://www.wakingtimes.com/2017/01/18/smart-dust-future-involuntary-treatment-public/
Image 5 medium.com https://medium.com/@OwenJones84/why-the-economist-s-response-to-me-on-consumer-debt-is-wrong-b2c27bc2c3df

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Thanks for sharing this. I hear voices. Have you researched PNAC (the deep state neocons)?

I hadn't heard of that particular think tank but I have heard of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
Check out my other post for tips on how to survive an attack https://steemit.com/life/@polichick/advice-to-targeted-individuals-targeted-by-voice2skull-technology

Will do. Thank you. Many truthers believe PNAC planned 9/11.

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Nice post..

Thank you!

Welcome fraind..

I have been wondering lately...WHY are the Illuminati/Luciferians so maligned? Oddly, the main contention seems to be they are plotting to enslave people and keep them in the dark, but that's exactly the opposite of their stated goals, if indeed they existed historically. (Evidence suggests they did at one point exist. Do they still? Not officially.) The main reason they had to stay hidden was because their main enemy, the Church, had burned thousands of Heretics before them and wouldn't hesitate to roast a few more. The idea of Personal Freedom and Individual Enlightenment was so profane to the church leaders that they would literally kill to preserve their dominance.

I personally gave up on Organized Religion many years ago and can't help but feel some degree of solidarity with Luciferians and the Illuminati. Even a casual but logical review of the Bible's Genesis will reveal who the liar was exactly, and it certainly wasn't the symbol of Knowledge.

You make some good points, particularly your point about organised religion. However, the main problem with Lucifarnian's is that their master (Lucifer) hates humankind and wants to see them enslaved and lose their souls.

I can't find any supporting evidence for that claim. I used to believe it as well, but I have since personally had to abandon it. The very name Lucifer means "Light Bringer". There is not one iota of written evidence to suggest that Lucifer is our enemy. Just word of mouth, which, coincidentally, is wrong. Even if Lucifer and Satan are the same entity, I can't find any evidence that Satan/Lucifer has caused any actual damages to Humanity.

There is literally only 1 entity that causes death and destruction in the bible, making itself the enemy of the people it presents itself to, and it is certainly not Satan. If we are basing our interpretation of the mythology on the Bible or the Talmud, I have difficulty pinpointing any evidence that Lucifer/Satan has directly done anything negative to people. If you know of any specific bible verses to the contrary, I am all ears. I have been looking for a very long time.

I would go as far as stating emphatically that Jehovah is, in fact, a demonic entity and the true enemy of Humanity.

Actually Lucifer doesn't like humans at all. God asked him to bow down to man but Lucifer refused saying that man was just made of clay whereas he was made of the light. It all started from there I guess.
I have to confess that I partly agree with you, as God seems like a harsh god.

The more I read about it, the more I lean toward the Gnostic view of Christianity. In it, the Serpent was an attempt by the actual creator of this world to enlighten mankind and make us remember that we are more than just slaves. Eve was also a messenger, but when Yahweh and the Archons noticed her, they conspired to rape her and imprison her on this realm as well, since we are all spirit beings trapped here. After which, Jehovah tells them both that he created her from Adam and that Adam basically owns her. In this telling of the mythology, the Serpent is more in line with it's classical Symbolism, that of a bearer of Knowledge and Wisdom.

If you carefully read over Genesis, it states clearly that Man and Woman were both created before God rested. The exact phrase is "Let US create Man in OUR image." (Why Plural?) After the rest, Jehovah shows up, and "noticed there was no man to till the fields." He wanted someone to do his hard labor. If Jehovah created Adam, it was so Adam could be a slave.

Jesus was the last/most recent attempt to free Humanity from the grasps of the Archons and Jehovah, Even in the Classic Holy Bible, Jesus's telling of his father is VASTLY different from the Old Testament Jehovah, who killed his most loyal servant's children because they burned the wrong incense. The same Jehovah who made Moses strip his best friend Aaron naked and leave him to die on a mountain top before then denying Moses entry (after a LONG, and grueling life of servitude) to the Promised Land. Jehovah was a horrible, horrible monster. (it even says it likes the smell of blood and cooked flesh, it dwells in thick darkness and it couldn't stand to be in the sunlight, hence it's plea for Jacob to release it during it's wrestling match before daybreak.)

I personally do believe there is a creator, something that is pure Love as dumb and cliche as that sounds. The entity described by the old testament, is very difficult to classify as a loving god by my understanding of the term.

I agree with you. I don't know quite what to think about God, I too believe that Source is the creator and is pure love, I am not so sure about Jehovah. However, I do believe in Lucifer and I believe that he wishes humans ill. My experience as a TI showed me that some people truly do worship Lucifer and that they are bad, bad people on the whole. One thing that worries me besides Jehovah as an entity is that in Revelation Jesus says "I am the light". Is he saying that he is Lucifer? This gets my mind to go down some very twisty paths and I am not sure what to think.
Also I am a psychic and medium and Christianity looks down on things like that saying that they are of the devil. I have no choice in these things, they just happen but does that mean that I am damned because I channel entities (probably- seems a bit unfair since I can't help it)???
I think that the only thing to do is to love Source and try to live a good life.

I never experienced what you speak of with hearing voices but I want to tell you my story of being a targeted individual here in America. It all started years ago when I listened to a radio program about the history of communism. In the program, the broadcaster reported that throughout history--idealists (about 10% of the population) are killed first. First they are ostracized from the community through mixed signals and gangstalking... effectively isolating the victims, then they are killed in secret. Through a personality test I found out my mbti personality type is infp: "the idealist."

Then about 2 1/2 years ago I had just given birth to my 5th child. I was spending a lot of time on Pinterest and I was pinning various anti-communist pins as well as pins about my personality type as I was discovering who I was. Making the connection in my mind I was in a non-confrontational way hoping and wishing to be saved from such a future, sharing my heart and reaching up and out to who knows where through my pins. An out of place cursor showed up where one writes their description for their pins. And one was a shit-hits-the-fan article. I wrote, "When the shit hits the fan." I wanted to be saved when the shit hits the fan and I subconsciously knew someone was on the other end but I didn't trust my intuition at the time and kept going and kept pinning. (My Dad told me later it was remote desktop hacking.)

Immediately afterwards I started being straight up GANG-STALKED!! I opened up my laptop the next morning and with a bunch of other code my screen said "Grrr...growl...boo...scared." I went outside with my kids and someone stepped out into the road a block and a half down and stared at me with his binoculars. He had an associate who started coming toward me and I went back into the house...I was so scared. I called my husband at work and he thought I lost my mind. That night was when the first song on Pandora radio was hacked. Scratchy noises over the song, "Wolf at the door" by Radiohead. Random people that I didn't know would drive past my house with their fist up, or their hand pointed in the air in the shape of a gun, once someone slowed down and made a cutting motion across her neck. Sometimes staring me down, sometimes laughing. That and other examples of gang stalkers led my husband and mother in law to be convinced that I had postpartum psychosis. Granted I had a nervous breakdown over this but it really happened.

As a result of my fear and over thinking I became almost catatonic and my husband and mother in law took me to the ER and from there I went to the mental institution. I stayed there for almost a month and while I was there I was the only person at the end of the hall in one wing. One day two maintenance guys were talking to each other and one remarked to another, "She just found out she's going to be gang-banged and now she's really scared." I told the psychiatrist and they investigated it and he ended up being fired. At that point I didn't have any idea on what was going on and was baffled that what I did garnered such a heavy response. It still happens to this day but over time I've become immune to it mostly, although there was a time I almost killed myself because of it all...

When I got out I tried to secure my laptops with my dad who is a software engineer who used to work for an antivirus software company and both of the laptop's hard drives were destroyed when we tried. Another time an aquaintence came by out of the blue and she looked spooked and she said, "My husband works in construction, and a lots been happening, and I'm wondering if you found a church yet?" That in and of itself may not seem that strange but a lot of the gangstalkers drove construction trucks. Once someone in a construction truck with a logo and everything spun a gun in his finger while he drove past and I was in my yard. Others looked like drugged out degenerates. Others looked official like government or military. This is of course not the entirety of it all but I want to say that there are bigger things happening than most people realize, AND IT'S REAL!!!

Thank you for sharing your story. Unfortunately, this type of attack is all too common. There are approximately ten million people that are targeted in this way.

It's hard to even imagine 10 million people being targeted, with almost nothing being done about it. Most people don't know about it. Thank you for bringing this to light.

You are right but with more people sharing their stories, this too will come to the light.

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Cool.. I like this post.. Thanks for sharing.

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This is the first time i heard about these. Thanks for sharing, this V2K device or research should be stopped. Since it will control mind to do such evil way. Everyday we always fight evil's whisper in our mind. that can ruin our your life, but the only way to fight this is to trust our Lord God Jesus Christ and keep praying that devil will never control us.

Thank you for your reply. Yes V2K should be stopped, it is an evil technology.

Nice post.

Thank you for sharing!

Upvoted and followed.

Thank you very much!