Tika on the forehead is very spiritual and healthy point view. It is a mark on the forehead for the love and prosperity. It is also a beauty. Tika is used in any color. But in the Hindu culture and in Newar culture. there are many different ceremonies has a different type of color and tika. It has different meanings also. Such as we use tika on temple and goddess.We use it sharing with use by putting tika from that goddess which is a positive aspect of our spiritual and healthy.
Tika is put on the forehead between the eyebrows where the perineal gland lies. this is an important nerve center and applying sandalwood or ash keeps the nerves cool so keeps one cool and conserve energy.
The place where tika mark that is the point of " third eye" it is the site where one finally loses Ahamkara that is ego or sense of individuality or reaches a higher level of spirituality. It is also "Universal as one".
Different people lies different color in different ceremonies and different cultures.Hindu- Orange is used in Bartabandha ceremony.sandalwooded in any kind of viewpoint and festival. The yellow color is used as in ceremony of death. , Rice and sandalwood are used in the viewpoint of health and death ceremony etc.
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