First Shots Being Fired in the War on 3D Printing

in blog •  6 years ago 

Before we begin to imagine the benefits, and before we can publicly discuss what life would be like if every home had the ability to 3D print an unlimited number of useful things, it seems that first we must have a never-ending gun debate.

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type the number '3', and the letter 'd' into Google, and then duck

The reason that 3D printing is being coupled with easy access to guns may go well beyond the 'gun debate' itself.

This 'guilt by association' is probably more like a propaganda device, and is being sustained by those who would lose the most in the new socio-economic paradigm that 3D printing technology is bound to help to create at some point in the near future.

3D Printing Being Painted as the Villain

With plastic straws now banned in California, it's easy to see how simple objects can become the victim of mass confusion in a group's mind. The group mind is never logical, but is easy to mould and manipulate, and the professional social engineers who manage the culture that we live in-- certainly here in the USA-- have been directing this group mind for decades.

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First, they came for the drinking straws...

Let's look at the drinking straw ban. Who will be the first to be imprisoned for putting the blueprints for 3D printed straws up on the internet, for all to see? What frightful things will people be 3D printing next? Can we ban all printable objects, or should we ban the 3D printer itself? Let's ask the group!

Examining the Group Mind

Given the information that is made available to the group, the consensus of the masses is going to be based on fear, as usual, and that fear will guide the group mind into a general need to be protected from evil. The drinking straw, suddenly a thing that is now synonymous with evil, must be kept out of the hands of bad people, and any technology which allows the manufacture of such evil items must be stopped at all cost.

Now, according to the group's mind, there seem to be people who can 3D print straws and handguns freely, and the obvious solution to that perceived problem would be to halt the 3D technology, by law and at gunpoint if needed.

3D Printing; A Threat to National Security?

The real reason to demonize the 3D printer in this way might be more of an economic issue. The 3D printing industry would be bad for scores of established industries in the USA and around the world.

Transportation and trucking firms would suffer when a lot of the stuff that they used to truck around the planet could be manufactured at home on 3D replicators.

As 3D technology advances, the cost of many common items would decrease, and sales taxes would suffer.

The timber industry would fall without a sound when home builders began replicating lumber right on the job site, instead of using pine trees and real hardwoods.

Each technological advancement in the newest replicating devices would cripple another established industry, and the lobbyists for those industries would have no choice but to push for regulations and bans on 3D printing.

Those who stir the debate about 3D printed guns may not be so concerned about the public's safety as they are concerned with their businesses and their bottom lines.

If the masses are not dependent upon the trucking industry bringing lumber from the timber industry using fuel from the petroleum industry to build the houses and offices and restaurants, and to then fill those buildings with all of the things that were formerly made overseas in giant trade agreements based on shipping costs and time, then those masses of people who live in the world would be richer for it, and would then begin to see a better way of doing a lot of other things for themselves and their society.


The potential for the technology of what we call 3D printing amounts to decentralization, something that is familiar to those who study nature, cryptocurrencies, blockchains and fractals.

As the technology improves all the time, what would the world be like if everyone had a 3D replicator in their homes, or at work?

Out of necessity, various bio-plastics would be developed, so that local sources of the printing medium could be used to manufacture larger pieces, and things like hemp would come to mind for those who dared to imagine localized, sustainable systems of life.

With a few sacks of seeds and a portable replicator, one could homestead like never before, growing the materials for their house right on the spot, then piping it into the replicator to create flooring, insulation, joists and girders galore.

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The Benefits of Decentralized Replication of Goods

If 3D printers are somehow allowed to remain legal and unregulated, then new industries would be created in the wake of the technology. A technician might need to show up in his 3D printed service van, land on the lawn and repair a replicating machine on occasion.

If we can freely explore the potential for the decentralization of production, then we would find that a neighbor who is good at growing hemp would trade freely with another who knew how to refine it into oil, while builders would show up to construct solid dwellings using the materials that were produced right there, made from the very Earth below.

The control of the society's resources would fall into the hands of the individuals who were living in it, and there would be no need for high prices of things if those things were being grown in the back yard by the individuals themselves.

Enter, The Group Mind Again

It seems inevitable that the collective mind will see danger in the idea of unregulated 3D printing, and will point to the straws that still litter the world, or simply cry out the old trigger word, the tried and true four-letter word; GUNS.

So triggered, the collective mind will gasp that the only way anyone will be able to operate a 3D printer will be if they obtain a special license and permit to think about using the technology for anything but paperweights and bathtub toys. Citizens will be encouraged to report anyone who tinkers with printing, and of course all subversive 3D printing videos will be scrubbed from the internet.

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Guns are Scary

For the social engineers who run the group's mind every day, there are no bigger problems than the problems of a decentralized system of distribution, and the idea of a financially freed society, a society with time to think about things.

While the gun is a handy tool to control the masses, it is always the mind of the society that is the true danger for those who manage our culture today. The fear of guns can be used to trigger emotions, but that trigger is used so that the group remains dependent on the central control that has been maintained for so long, masquerading as the security force for the population.

We are now expected to think of guns when we hear of new 3D technologies, or we won't hear about the new tech at all. We are expected to fear for the children, instead of imagining the beauty of living in a financially freed society for once.

It looks like the war on 3D printing has officially begun.

images above thanks to Wikimedia Commons

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Click @therealpaul for more

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I despair for the world because it increasingly seems to run on the paradigms of fear and scarcity. I'm afraid, and there's not enough, so I'm more afraid that "they" will take my "not enough" and then I will have nothing and then "they" will come along and shoot me, or shoot those I love, so now I am even more afraid.

It's a vicious cycle, and I am not sure where it's going to stop. Or change.

That does sound like the narrative that we've been taught, it is amazing to watch it spin, that vicious cycle.

You have stumbled across an amazing insight here. I see clearly that every home (cell) will have an inorganic and an organic 3D printer. The inorganic will be used for 'products', and the organic will be used for 'foodstuff'.

The economy will be run on the buying and selling of 'recipes'. No more need for warehouses, or the warehouse worker. No more need for truck drivers, or train operators or captains of cargo vessels- your 'vial' of ingredients for your 3D printer will be delivered by unmanned drone. No more restaurants or stores, or need for workers to run them. And the list of casualties goes on and on.

Hunting, gardening and wild foraging will become capital offences.

The result? The earth returns to its original state. Eden is reborn.

The question? Who will be judged to be part of the new Eden, and who will decide?

Maybe that is the real motive behind the creation and explosion of AI technology. AI would make the perfect judge.

I think I had skipped ahead in the timeline, past the time of centralized control centers like governments, when not only the money supply would be decentralized, but the production of goods, and when the benefits were seen of having everything localized, the notion of one central controller of anything would sound absurd to these future dwellers.

In the world I see, or the future I was peering into, we wouldn't need to go out at all, so things like my flying car would be for fun, and I could either go to a market or replicate things right in the car; I would choose which upon a whim.

Truck drivers and warehouse workers would rather be home anyway usually, my future world frees them at last!

It could be that hunting would be made obsolete in the future, I've never been hunting, and have never even caught a fish for food. Without hunters, if there are roads around here in the future, they'll be covered in deer, I predict!

I don't worry much about AI, because consciousness will always have something that AI doesn't have: intuition. Then, we build things out of ether, while a robot has to build things out of already-existing materials. We can program the world, while AI can only be programmed by us, consciousness.

Right on brother. My point is that the warehouse worker, or train operator or the myriad other persons who now play a role in 'productive society' will have no place in it for them to be useful. Only the intuitive and the creative will have a place. As you have pointed out, AI and automation will require these things for them to function.

The question is- what happens to non-productive members of a society when they have been replaced by more efficient workers historicaly?

I don't think they will be home enjoying the fruits of the idea and vision of those who came before. I think maybe they will be eliminated in some way. Or, more gently, disqualified from participating in the new world of abundance and art as a way of life.

I guess where we differ is in the idea that decentralization will be the victor over centralization.

Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of a peer to peer organization to the affairs of men with no middle man and no oversight by a central governing body. But, can you see where bitcoin has turned? Do you see that the people are already crying out for some oversight?

As we march into the brave new world of AI and automation and self-driving cars and 3D printers and blockchain and other things we can't imagine yet, do you not see an agenda at work? A 'they' behind the plan? Do you think the 'they' will just hand over their power to the 'us'?

Have you ever read 'Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development'?

I have seen a 'They' behind it all for quite a while, their plans and Georgia 'Guidestones' are an integral part of the exopolitics and conspiracy stuff that I like-- it does look like they are always one step ahead of the group, always conditioning the culture for the next step.

In the time that I spent in those rabbitholes I remembered something about the human creative potential; that what the group thought about and talked about was what would inevitably manifest into what the world is, good or bad. I remembered that I was either imagining a world that I liked, or one that didn't suit me or humanity, and realized that I was-- with my imagination-- empowering a version of the future that I didn't like, and that I was charging it with emotion, that being fear. It took some practice, but I began right away imagining a future that was good for all, and decided to start sharing that imaginary world, so that others might help imagine it too, and by 'being the change I wanted to see' I could improve the world, if by just one.

The decentralized future that I imagine doesn't sound realistic necessarily, but when I look at the thousands of riots that China has each year, increasing all the time, I can see how a centralized governance is having trouble maintaining their hypnotic trance over the population. Not that riots are a good thing, they only show that the ability to control the group mind is becoming harder now, especially with the internet sneaking into places it's never been before as well.

I like to think that, the way things are going in the world, my imagined future has a better chance of becoming reality than any Guidestones can dictate! They have one idea, while we have billions of opposing ideas.

As for all of those warehouse workers with nothing to do, I've always wondered how that part would play out if there was no interference from some outside authority. I only have my own self to gauge how that would play out, and I used to work in a warehouse, so I can relate somewhat. I don't think anyone really wanted to be there, but I don't know. I know I didn't want to be stuck in there all day, every day. What would everyone else do if they didn't have jobs? I don't know, maybe they would collectively have time to help make a whole new earth, but there I go imagining again!

That's how it's done.

I painted a dystopian future and you shed off the idea. That is the wielding of power that can make a world.

There is no inevitably in any of this thing we call life. I change my attitude and the world changes. I rid myself of preconceived notions and the world becomes less cluttered.

Isn't it funny that dread and misery is the lifeblood of the so called media? Isn't it funny how many consume this and then parrot the narrative until it becomes their world?

I think their is a course energy at work in the masses. I wonder how much fine energy it takes from a few with imagination to tilt the scales in favor of a world of abundance from those who believe in scarcity.

I think I like the world you painted better than the world I painted. Mind if I grab a brush and put a few brushstrokes on your canvas?

Supposedly only about 3% of the population took part in the American "Revolution", but right now there's still about 15% of the population who trust the media and believe the theater, so we have a little work to do. Grab a brush!

There are many things that are 3D printable, however, the ones related to power and the easiest ones to make are the ones that are going to be the most popular.

the filament melting, plastic depositing, CNC machine is soooo basic, it can never be stopped.

Also, its ability to make anything meaningful is very small.
It is after all, properly called a rapid prototype machine.

The gun debate is, as you say, just to control the masses.
To take guns away from good people, and leave govern-cement in full control.

I mean, they aren't able to keep chinese made AK-47s out of LA.
They have never made a dent in the black-market for acquiring guns.
Not one peep about milling machines and lathes, that can be used to make a complete, continuous working, gun.

So, it is indeed all about crowd control, and keeping people from exploring this media.

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