Conscious Conversations: Part 2. Consciousness and Dreaming:

in blog •  7 years ago  (edited)


What do your dreams mean to you?

Dreams are arguably a way by which our unconscious minds attempt to make sense of the world. In our dreams we filter through the experiences of our waking life, organizing and deciphering what each sense has absorbed during the day.

We can spend hours decoding the symbolic meaning of our dreams, what an animal means if it appeared, or what flying in our dreams mean, or what the inability to move means.

But are our dreams as equally as important as what happens in our waking life?

If dreams and waking life are both part of our lived experiences, then are they not one?

We can see dreams as a connection of streams which enter a river which eventually lead to the ocean. The stream is our unconscious mind, which feeds our river or our dream, feeding oue waking life or ocean.

What are your thoughts on the complexity of dreams?



For more conscious conversations, original poetry & self-development articles please follow @viazenar

(Image: Alex Grey)

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Well, I recently discovered the work of an English philosopher/engineer who postulates that dreams are something else: basically, they are connected with time, not only past, but also future:

"His experiences led Dunne to make a study of the relationship between time and dreaming. He went to sleep each night with a notebook and pencil under his pillow. And in the morning he quickly recorded his dreams, before they faded from memory. When he compared their images with the occurrences in his daily life, Dunne made a startling discovery. Generally, a dream derived its imagery from vivid or unusual happenings within a space of 24 hours— 24 hours in either direction. That is to say, his dreams were influenced by events of both the past day and the next! "

Search for J.W.Dunne "An Experiment with Time"

Ah, yes! Incredible. I have heard something like that along the grapevine.

It makes you think of how our concept of time may be completely distorted. Perhaps the existence of past and future is unlike what exists at the moment in terms of measurement through clocks and minutes.

Further research is needed for sure! Thank you, thank you🙏

I think that maybe there is a universal state of infinites posibilities where all elemental particles are mixed together in chaos, and is the conscious who puts order in this chaos thus forming the material reality that everyone of us experiment everyday. I have reached that thoughs by reading about Quantum Physics. Maybe, a dream is just a travel of the conscious in this world of posibilities not limited by time and space.

Yes, I would have to agree. Looking into quantum physics was a hobby of mine a few years back. There is actually a lot it can explain, however most of it only exists at a theoretical level (well a lot of subject matter pertaining to consciousness and the existence of time exists only theoretically). But yes, there is definitely some sort of chaotic presence of matter which is filtered and ordered by human consciousness. Beyond that which is perceived by our senses, we still know so little of.

Dreams have always fascinated me. Over the years I have been learning to better interpret the symbolism of my own dreams and occasionally I've had the pleasure of interpreting other peoples dreams.

I have written down some of the most unusual and vivid dreams. Others have passed out of my consciousness, perhaps to re-emerge at some later time.

Reading a book by Robert A. Johnson recently had me thinking of the the interplay between consciousness and unconsciousness. He described his own personal sense of how the ego is good for making practical small decisions, but we should always try to be alert to the guiding of our unconscious. The 'golden thread' he called it.

As I read through the book, I was surprised at the parallels in my own life. Often I have felt that when I do things in 'my own power', they seem to lead down a path of folly. I've come to treasure the synchronistic moments in my life where my destiny was changed through a single choice or a chance meeting. These are the golden thread of the unconscious guiding me to my providential destiny. A paradoxical mix of free will and providence.

I really liked your explanation (or Robert Johnson's explanation) of conscious versus unconscious guidance. It is true many of us have the tendency to live our lives through our conscious mind, or our egoic state of being. However, this 'golden thread' you speak of is undeniable when you reflect on major life decisions or moments that have altered your path (perhaps to bring you on the path that serves you best). Perhaps the unconscious mind is connected to our intuitive abilities? Or that could be another kettle of fish all together....

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Robert Johnson takes much of his understanding from the studies of Carl Jung. For Jung, there is a collective unconscious that is trans-personal (which I take to mean beyond the individual expression of personality).

It springs from our biological nature and expresses itself in broad brushstrokes through the consciousness of all individuals while being independent of them. I guess it could be said that the intuitive part of the individual is able to connect with this transpersonal unconsciousness. It plays out in archetypal being. Intuitively we understand the archetypes of mother, father, and child. It springs from our biology without the necessity for conscious thought (assuming we are not disconnected from ourselves by some trauma).

So I would say, yes, our intuition springs from the Unconscious with a capital U. A universal unconsciousness.

You seem to have an understanding of it already. I've been exploring it for a few years now. Mainly because as I was introduced to the subject of Jungian psychology and some of Jordan Peterson's lectures on YouTube, I began to see how I had been going through the whole process myself, but had never described it in words and made it concrete. It had been an organic experience that came about through my own personal struggle with Truth and where it resides.

As I read Johnson's book it reinforced the idea that the answers always lie within. The intellectual argumentation is interesting, but it is more of the ego at play. The introspective search for internal wisdom and mastery reveals everything I need to know, at the times I need to know it. The responsibility is for me to maintain awareness. To have my eyes, ears, and senses always listening, looking and adapting to my present circumstance. Watching for where the 'golden thread' is leading me.

After having my first ayahuasca experience, I felt like I understood more of what the dream state is. To me, it's another thread within the fabric of our existence. I was show that there are many threads that weave into the greater perspective of our existence. One of those threads is our perspective from earth. Our mundane, physical reality. Another is our dream state and this thread coexists with our physical reality. They play off of each other and in a sense, feed each other. It feels so inspiring and expansive to me. We are truly magical beings!

Thanks so much for sharing this @viazenar! Would love to hear your thoughts regarding my recent post about seeing the "bad" things in our life as empowering gifts: Will You Open Your Gifts In Strange Wrapping Paper?

Very interesting approach to the subject @axios

I am very much on the same page. I see it inevitable that all of these lived realities are coexisting and interconnected.

I'll definitely check out your posts!

Many thank you's for your input on this thread.
