Para Junior Camp part 1

in blog •  7 years ago 

Hello guys my name is yannis and last summer a had an amazing time by doing a Army Camp.
first of all we had to to some psychic test in may 2017, and only the best 120 where selected I was one of the lucky 120
the groups where devided in 60 french speaking and 60 dutch speaking(I speak dutch).


Then in the first week of the vacation in July it started it was 2 weeks long 1 week for the theory part of everything and the second week was for the jump it self. when we arrived we where again diveded into even smaller groups 3 groups of 20 and then we recieved our gear (Kazakhs, helmet, a T-shirt , ....)

Then the training could begin, the first day they took us through the barracks and showed us where we would train,eat ,sleep, and much more after dinner we had some free time so we could settle in and could go to the cafeteria to have some drinks but no alcohol ofcourse ;)

The 2nd day they woke us up at 6 o'clock to eat breakfast and then the morning apple took place after that it was time to do some training. the first week was mostly the same
breakfast, training, lunch, training, evening, night game or free time, sleeping at 23 o'clock , ...

The Friday afternoon we had to clean all the rooms and all because we had to go home for the weekend.
The Sunday we had to be back at the barracks before 22 o'clock.
The Monday morning was a verry special day because it would be the day of the first jump but that got canceled due to the weather conditions so instead we went to a museum.

here you see one of the most know flags around the world this was actually an original piece.

here you see me sitting in a belgian army vehicle.

trying to be a real Rambo :p

Belgian Army armoured Minerva Landrovers with twin machine gun mounts.

Used Greman fire arms like the PP walter, P08, ...

Some random bombs

and even more Bombs

And here you see the symbol of the Belgian Special Forces.


Part 2 is comming tommorow so cya guys later and thanks for reading.

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