in bloodcovenant •  7 years ago  (edited)

Blood covenant can be defined as a blood
promise between two individuals, whereby both individual pierce their thumb to bring out blood. They thereby either join their bleeding thumbs together or lick the blood from the other partners thumb, making a promise(in most cases male and female who are lovers) to always be together and not getting involved with any other individual
and if any of the individual involved derails then they place a particular curse on themselves like the failing party runs mad, impotency, barrenness and the rest.

The negative effect of blood oath/convenant is immeasurable. Young lovers should not put their lives at risk because you want to prove to a boy or a girl that you love him or her.

Time changes thing and the boy or girl you think is your life might in two years time not be your life any more but just a normal guy and you might have met someone whom you truly love and want to spend the rest of your life with, realizing that what you felt for the other guy was just part of juvenile lust.

People should also use their heads with their heart while in a relationship and they should also remember that nothing last forever.

You might get into a relationship and engage in a blood oath with a guy or a girl and along the way the guy or girl lose their life untimely and that makes the other party in a difficult position in their new relationship. Even when he or she gets married they can't bear children in their married life.

Blood covenant is not advisable for young
and I personally see it as barbaric way of
showing love because it ironically shows
hate and lust.........

To be continued...

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I don't know if people still practise it. It's not healthy at all.

People still practice this ooo, very useless thing... A friend of mine did it.. And he went and sleep with another girl, the girl gave birth to a child for him, she died but the child survived

I have a story of a cousin banker who became mad on her traditional marriage because of blood oat she had with another guy during her first year in the university.

I have a story of a cousin banker who became mad on her traditional marriage because of blood oat she had with another guy during her first year in the university.