[Board Games] Mummy's Treasure - Gaming with Kids

in boardgames •  7 years ago  (edited)


Mummy's Treasure has become one of my daughter's favorite games for the two of us to play together. It goes pretty quickly (maybe 10-15 minutes per game), and there is enough luck involved to make it exciting for her. I wouldn't say it's one of my favorite games, but for kids it seems like a hit. Not bad for a $2 goodwill find.


As you can see, my copy is not in English, but the instruction book comes in about 8 different languages, and there is no reading involved in the actual playing of the game. So it's a good game to introduce to young kids. If they can do dice rolling and picture matching, they can play. Once they get a bit older, then they can consider things like probabilities and shape orientation, so this game works on multiple levels. My daughter started playing this when she was 5, and has adapted her strategy as she has aged.

The game is played with these tiles containing different treasures.


The tiles are placed on these game boards, like this.


The way you collect the tiles is by rolling dice, and then using the pictures on the dice to earn tiles that contain those pictures. So, for example, if this was your dice roll...


...and this was the stack of available tiles...


...you would probably keep the hippo and the lamp and reroll the 2 red coins and the blue bottle, hoping to get another hippo so you could get the L-shaped tile with 2 hippos and a lamp. You can roll up to 3 times to try to get the proper dice rolls, just like in Yahtzee. Once you are done rolling, you collect whichever tile you can get based on your roll, and place it on the game board. The first to fill up their game board wins.

I think this is pretty definitely a kids game, so I wouldn't necessarily bring it to the table for game night with my friends. But, if you're looking for a quick, fun filler, or a game to introduce people people to board games, or something that the whole family can play together, this is a good option.

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Got to love the GoodWill games that you find that are both actually complete and fun to play.

Thanks for the suggestion for a game to introduce non-gamers to board games.

The complete part always seems to be the issue for me. Definitely got lucky on this one. Very pleased with this purchase. I'm interested to hear how it goes if you do try this out on some non-gamers.

nice job

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