Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan-inception

in body •  7 years ago 

How Toxic Are You?

• What toxins are
• How toxins are aff ecting your health
• Th e many symptoms of toxicity
• Some of the common sources of toxins
• What detoxifi cation is
• How to restore your health to peak performance and vitality
by cleansing your body of toxic buildup


Imagine waking up without an ache or pain, cruising though your daily tasks with abundant energy, and ending your day with a refreshing night’s sleep. Th en imagine waking up to do it all over again. Th ink it is impossible? Th ink again. An accumulation of toxins can leave you feeling sluggish, achy, heavy, and out of shape. It can also lead to disease in the form of cancer, arthritis, diabetes, allergies, and many other serious illnesses. When you eliminate the myriad
toxins in your body, you will greet each day feeling great.

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Based on a decade and a half of research and experience, Th e 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan works where other approaches fail. It works by eliminating the source of fatigue, headaches, and joint pain to help you feel great. It works by addressing the causes of minor health problems and more serious diseases such as cancer, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, fi bromyalgia, depression, and heart disease. It works by addressing the underlying
cause of malfunctioning bodily processes: toxins.

Toxins are substances that disrupt the normal healthy fl ow within our bodies. Literally thousands of toxins and harmful synthetic chemicals lurk in our food, air, water, clothes, homes, and workplaces. Th e very things that should nourish our bodies or comfort us are often making us ill. Th ey take the form of foods, cleaning products, beauty and hygiene products, cooking oils, food additives, pesticides and herbicides, industrial chemicals in our air, damaging emotions,
sugar, and much more. Take the following quiz to discover the myriad symptoms linked with toxins.

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Th e D e t o x Q u i z

Do you need to detoxify? Take the following quiz to fi nd out. You may be surprised to learn of the many symptoms that are linked to toxins in the body. Score one point for every habit or symptom you have experienced within the last year.

Sleep and Energy

  • Tired in the morning or during the day even after a good
    night’s sleep
    _Disrupted sleep
    _Ordinary activity leaves you feeling exhausted
    Mental and Emotional
    _Feeling agitated or nervous
    _Unexplained feelings of anxiety or sadness
    _Excessive anger or irritability
    _Mood changes
    _Memory lapses
    _Feeling restless or shaky
    _Diffi culty understanding new concepts
    _Mentally sluggish
    _Diffi culty making decisions
    _Negative outlook
    Eyes, Ears, Mouth, and Nose
    _Itchy ears
    _Sensitivity to noise
    _Itchy or watery eyes
    _Dark circles or bags below eyes
    _Swollen or infl amed eyelids
    _Bloodshot eyes
    _Sensitivity to light
    _Sneezing fi ts or chronic cough
    _Runny or itchy nose
    _Itchy palate
    _Coating on tongue
    _Speech problems
    _Dull-coloured, pale, greyish or yellowish
    _Loose and fl abby
    _Acne or other blemishes
    _Eczema or psoriasis
    _Other skin problems
    Digestive System
    _Nausea or vomiting
    _Diarrhea or loose stools
    _Belching or gas, especially after eating
    _Foul-smelling bowel movements
    _Bloating or abdominal discomfort
    _Heartburn or indigestion
    _Certain foods irritate your stomach
    _One or less than one bowel movement per day
    _Frequent urination
    _Water retention or bloating
    Eating Habits
    _Have cravings for foods
    _Drink alcoholic beverages
    _Eat fast foods, packaged or frozen foods
    _Drink coff ee or tea
    _ Consume sweets (including any sweetened foods: juices, carbonated
    beverages, condiments, or desserts)
    _Consume white fl our products (bread, pasta, cakes, cookies)
    _Consume fried foods or margarine
    Joints and Pain
    _Aching or painful joints
    _Joint stiff ness
    _Headaches or migraines

How did you score?

You are probably experiencing great health. Keep in mind that being symptom-free doesn’t guarantee a lifetime of great
health. If you are detoxifying regularly, keep up the good work. If not, you may want to consider doing Th e 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan once a year to maintain your health.


You need to detoxify to improve your health. You will likely fi nd relief from many of the symptoms you experience by
limiting your exposure to toxins and conducting Th e 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan.

11+ —Time to Detox

You are experiencing many nagging symptoms that will improve by detoxifying. Th e energy and eff ort you invest in
healing will pay tremendous dividends. Keep reading—The 4-Week Ultimate Body Detox Plan will show you how to get
started on the road to incredible health, amazing energy, and an improved quality of life.

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