Carolyn Blue born as a taurus
Age 24
Carolyn Blue is a very very rare kind of girl she enjoys haveing control over the very very slow people. She has a baby boy name jason who is only 3 years old. The baby father left her right after the baby was born for unknown reasons at this time. She was born in merryland shadyside. White girl of the east if you ask me. She moved to roanoke rapids NC. She loves and sex, and very manipulative to her prey to get control over your money and soul. Also very innocent looking too. Her boyfriend now is Cedric Hankins.
The reason for this Bio is because im going to be writing a book on a true story and this is one of the main characters! Make sure you look out for THE BOOK OF CEDRIC AND CAROLYN. Drama. True stories with updates. Please up vote me and share and comment anytime on your thoughts!