Still reading Tolkien's The Lord Of The Rings to my children

in books •  7 years ago 

It's a long book.

We've been reading Tolkien's epic work for months. I usually read some most nights. I gave up on reading whole chapters a while ago. They are just too long to easily read aloud, especially without the younger children falling asleep.

Shorter reading sessions are working out well. I no longer feel that I have to read to the end of a chapter and I can choose points which feel natural for me to leave off and then pick up again. My children are still really enjoying it and frequently ask me to read.

I don't read to them every night, but it's probably at least half the time, maybe more. It's been a good experience for all of us.

Talking about books

I've been thinking and talking about books a lot lately. Someone even asked me about Tolkien's books while I was at a sporting event. I guess people can just tell that those kinds of questions are fair game to ask of me!

I've also continued to compile a list of books I recommend. Not an easy task!


In light of #memes being in the news, I thought it'd be appropriate to post this one.

Until next time,

-- @matthewdavid

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I read The Hobbit when I was 12. My step-dad was into LOTR but reading this makes me think of how nice it would have been if we could have read it together!

These are some of my favorite books. My father read them to my bothers and I as children and I've read them many times as an adult. He also read to us the Chronicles of Narnia, also a great series for kids (and adults)

C.S. Lewis was a favorite author of mine, with the Chronicles of Narnia at the top of the list. I especially like "The Horse and his Boy".

Thanks for commenting!

Ah, LOTR...those stories have a lot of good memories for me. Great choice to read with the kids!

My parents started reading the trilogy when I was pretty young (6, maybe?) - they would put me and my sister to bed and then they would have some small treat in their room while reading aloud to each other.

Of course, we wanted to join in. Our solution was to go quietly to bed and then wait for them to start reading before we'd take our pillows and blankets and camp out in our doorway across the hall so we could hear the story too. I think we got all the way to Moria before we got caught.

After that we were included in storytime.

Other good books we read aloud included "Watership Down", Timothy Zahn's "Conquerors" series, "Turn Homeward, Hanalee", C.S. Lewis' Narnia Chronicles and the Riddlemaster of Hed series by Patricia Mckillip.

That's a great memory and a good story!

My wife read "Watership Down" to our children and they really enjoyed it. We've also ready most of The Chronicle of Narnia. I read some of Timothy Zahn's works when I was a teenager, but haven't read any of his recently. Thanks for the reminder!