Rare Book of the Day – ukanhavyrfuckincitibak, d.a. levy. First Edition.

in books •  7 years ago 

d.a. levy was an American poet, artist and underground publisher active in the 1960s. Using his own small press and mimeograph, he published his and others' poetry. In 1966 he was indicted for distributing 'obscene poetry' for minors and he was arrested again in 1967, after which is pressing materials were confiscated. The case prompted widespread attention and a benefit reading was given on May 14, 1967 featuring such luminaries as Allen Ginsberg, Tuli Kupferberg and the Fugs. The case was eventually dropped, but Levy would after many years of difficulties with the authorities in "fascist america" commit suicide in 1968, at the age of 26.

ukanhavyrfuckincitibak was published in 1967 to raise funds for levy's defense fund. It's a landmark piece of the mimeo revolution, and includes texts by levy, bibliographic material, with testimonials by friends and other writers, and reproductions of press coverage of his arrest. Per the front page: "Proceeds, if any, from the sale of this book will go to the levy defense fund, the yet-to-be-conceived levy substinence fund, and the subsequent levy offense fund." This is the scarce original printing:




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This is all totally new to me.