Book Review: The Paleo Approach: Reverse Autoimmune Disease and Heal Your Body by Sarah Balantyne Ph.D

in books •  8 years ago  (edited)

"The food you eat can either be the safest and most powerful form of medicine or the slowest form of poison."

  • Ann Wigmore


Zy Marquiez

“Pharmaceutical treatment has, thus far, failed to inhibit the tsunami of endemic diseases spreading around the world, and no new tools are in sight. Dramatic alterations, in direction of paleolithic-like lifestyle and food habits, seem to be the only alternatives with the potential to control the present escalating crisis.”
– Stig Bengmark, MD, Ph.D

By: Zy Marquiez
December 20, 2015

For me, this book has been a life changer. As someone who has had chronic Ulcerative Colitis for almost twenty years & am barely in my thirties, hospitalized countless times, this book is a godsend. This is due to the many benefits my health as accrued from implementing much of the advice within this book.

As a side note, the evolution of my health progression with UC went something like this: clean fluoride-free water > removal of toxins [aspartame, nitrates, soy, msg.] from dietary choices > removal of all fast foods > removal of processed foods > switching to organic/non-gmo nutrient-dense foods > gluten-free / paleo approach.

That’s just what helped me. We are all different, so different people will benefit at varying degrees. Am just sharing what helped me in order for it to possibly help others.

Now let’s dive in, shall we?

The Paleo Approach – Reverse Autoimmune Disease And Heal Your Body by Sarah Ballantyne, PhD is an absolute tour de force into regaining your health, with a top-down approach that is as extensive as it is deep in scope.

Although a great length of the book almost has a textbook feel, it is that very precision that shows how exact and thorough Ballantyne’s approach is. She details every aspect of the Paleo Diet discipline [if we may call it that] in a manner that is not just easy to follow, but simple to comprehend.

Ballantyne commences with many of the causes for autoimmune diseases as well as what contributes to those type of health complications/diseases. Thence she couples that along with lifestyle changes that could be contributing to the cause of your dis-ease.

Personally, this is the type of book that should be mandatory reading for everyone in High School, let alone college. The previous statement does not mean that this is the only approach, however. There are many [dietary] approaches that can and have helped people. A few of these different approaches helped me at varying degrees, the paleo approach being the last anchor that has solidified my health.

Knowledge is imperative in our day an age. That is why nutrition and diet should be an integral component in everyone’s lives. Am saying this to outline the fact that the public school indoctrination system does nothing remotely substantial to address the lack of health knowledge in basic schooling. Then again they do the same with finance & logic, all three of which would help individuals greatly in attaining health, financial versatility and a range of analysis that is sorely needed in the world we live in.

Getting back on track, Ballantyne makes it a point in stating and restating the fact that diet alone cannot help an individual if that individual is still making poor lifestyle choices. While this might seem ‘common sense’ to some, it isn’t. Countless people believe that if they just change their diet, while not addressing other vital [and just as detrimental] issues, all will be okay. Nothing can be further from the truth.

Stress, for instance, causes deleterious issues to those that do not address this common problem. Ballantyne addresses the stress topic rather poignantly, outlining many solid approaches that have helped many, myself included.

Ballantyne also dovetails into the importance of sleep, which is such an underrated component to health [and thus healing!], as well as not remaining physically stagnant. Moving, doing exercises, heck WALKING outside, all have great benefits. Don’t forget getting ample amounts of sun, for a variety of reasons.

Other issues that are addressed rather trenchantly within this book are the issue of gluten sensitivity [this one affected me greatly] in relation to autoimmune disease and how it affects the intestines, as well as the issue of gut dysbiosis, what it is and how it is caused.

Inflammation is another essential and yet abstruse topic that is focused upon. Ballantyne addresses this issue from myriad directions while also coupling it with stress, sleep and lifestyle choices.

Parasites, as well as persistent infections such as C.Diff are touched upon, as well as the role of probiotics in gut health.

The detrimental side effects of some medications are tackled and talked about in relation to optimal health.

Finally, lest not forget the role of healthy fats, antioxidants, nutrient-dense food, and much, much more.

Ballantyne anchors her book with a thorough nutrient table that’s an excellent reference for anyone, especially those following the ‘Paleo Approach’.

All in all, if you are someone, or know someone with an auto-immune disease, or simply want to live a healthier life, then this book should be at the top of your priority/research list.

The rest revolves around taking the first step, and staying on track.

The choice is yours.


“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates

Read More At: TheBreakaway

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That's definitely my website.

All the work on here on SteemIt will definitely be myself. Completely understand what you mean about copyright infringement, and appreciate your concern It's never been me to mirror articles without giving people credit, but this one, as well as the other two on SteemIt, and all other future articles on here at least will be by myself only. Only on my website do I feature other's content, and its with the work sourced every single time.

Quick question though:

Does my work that has already published on my own website need to be sourced as a link? Never really attempted anything like that. Am fine doing so, or just leaving it as is, whatever works really. Just figured since it's my work and am linking to the website at the bottom with the link it would be enough. Let me know either way.

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Thank you so much.I have a brother with colitis,I have ason with diabetes tupe1 and cyliac disease and a daughter with ormonical problems.
I always seartch into the internet for
solutions .I became vegan so I can change my childrens eating eventually.
I have never seen something like this book.Can I find it in Greece.Does it say anything about diabetes T1?