Book Review: The Secret Behind Secret Societies by Jon Rappoport

in books •  8 years ago  (edited)


“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”
– Albert Einstein

Zy Marquiez

The Secret Behind Secret Societies by Jon Rappoport is a phenomenal read that delves into aspects of secret societies that most people haven't considered, even in the alternative media.

The book is essentially a tour de force into the inner workings of secret societies, which in this respect, is a merger between what most people think of, coupled with a point of view that nobody has brought into the fold within this arena, or most others for that matter.

Mr. Rappoport gives a crash course into the main weapon humanity has to free itself from the nefarious shackles of the comptrollers – imagination.

Had it been known to me that this book tackled the subject of imagination, it would have wound up being purchased by myself a few years back. What is meant by that is that the title of the book is very misleading – not in a duplicitous way, mind you. It’s just a book that is far more reaching that most would ever realize.

His constant alluding to the importance of this subject in his daily website at is what peaked my curiosity on the subject. After having been an avid reader of Rappoport’s work for over 3 years, he has made it crystal clear why imagination is so vital.

In this book, he delves deeper as to why imagination is of utmost importance, and how the secret societies – the ones you know about, and many which you hadn’t even considered – not only gain power, but how they stunt growth and suppress the imagination/consciousness/mind of the individual in ways most cannot even fathom.

Haven’t seen one researcher tackle this angle yet [and hopefully will find one/more that do], and it really is the most significant one because as Rappoport implies quite often, people searching for ways to free themselves from the matrix of manipulation without seeing the full breadth and scope of the theater, end up switching one system of ideas/beliefs for another one, thinking that will free them without realizing that all systems are a trap.

Throughout the length of the book, Rappaport takes you through his personal journey into how he ultimately found out about the inner workings of imagination, and its one hell of a ride to be completely honest.

This is a subject that is so vital, that it should be taught at schools from the instant that children can begin to grasp it. The sooner the better. The ability to be able to use one’s own mind/imagination/consciousness and be able to not only eviscerate the layers of deceit, but also to actually shed one’s shackles whilst also rerouting the tidal wave of manipulation right back to the ruling powers is just the starting point.

Life is ultimately about creation, and the fulcrum of creation is imagination. Interweaving imagination within your reality via your intent/consciousness will make all the difference in your life/journey.

This particular book is as inspirational as it is deep in scope. Its depth comes from the finer subtleties covered in detail, such as visualization, art work, dreams, et al. to conquer the vicious vortex of mind control that zaps all imagination out the outset of very nascent stages.

This book is so beyond mundane conventional thoughts, that it might truly be the first modern breakaway book. Breakaway in the sense that this particular book will allow you detach from the entire mindcontrol grid if you decide to apply the concepts it presents to the fullest extent. That said, this concept might take some people much more than one read and a few days of thought to understand the full latitude of it.

As we have learned, imagination is limitless. Rappaport gave his readers one cosmic chunk out of the endless possibilities that consciousness can partake it. The discovery of the entire latitude of imagination is up to the reader/researcher/individual.

Focused intent is the gas pedal, while imagination is the wheel of consciousness. Without one, the other is useless, like a ship with a busted rudder drifting aimlessly in an endless ocean.

What you take/create from it is up to you. The choice is y/ours, as always.


“Imagination should be used, not to escape reality, but to create it.”
– Collin Wilson

“The man who has no imagination has no wings.”
– Muhammad Ali

“Logic will get you from from A to Z, imagination will get you everywhere.”
– Albert Einstein

“Imagination decides everything.”
– Blaise Pascal

Read More At: TheBreakaway

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