BOSSKU ... yawning on the bed ... sleepy wei

in bossku •  6 years ago 

Bossku Reports !

Ohhhh more expansion is updated in Drugwars !!! There are missions and a number of stuff which just appeared. Check it out in their latest post

Accumulated payouts over 2 days ... @bossku been bz la

Today Distribution

Today's Cookies distribution

  • 0.247 STEEM received from @drugwars Daily rewards

  • 0.576 STEEM received from @drugwars Heist rewards

  • 0.005 STEEM received from @drugwars Referral rewards

  • 3.18 STEEM Bonus from @bossku ( sold all SBD and converted to STEEM )

Here are the total received by everyone to date

1MDB KakiShare %total to date

Its Tuesday yo =D ! Enjoy your week !
Today's reflections ... =P

Three guys were marooned on an island. One day, they found a magic lamp and, when they rubbed it, a genie popped out. “Normally I grant three wishes to whomever rubs my lamp, but since there are three of you, you may each have one wish” The first guy walks up and says, “I wish I were back in Los Angeles with billions of dollars in my name and a wife who will never leave me.” The genie snaps his fingers, and the guy disappears. The second guy walks up and says, “I wish I were touring Europe as a rock superstar, with all the fame, fortune, and excitement that comes with.” The genie snaps his fingers, and the guy disappears. The third guy, impaired in mind, watches the other two disappear in confusion. He walks up to the genie and says, “Hello sir, can you help me? I’m lonely, I wish my friends were with me.”

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