I Need to Exerise Healthier Boundaries with this Platform

in boundaries •  7 years ago 

But then again, I've always stayed too long in relationships that weren't healthy for me. I've always tried to save a relationship even when I knew it probably wasn't for the best.

dog in disguise.jpg

If I pay attention to my gut instinct right now, I would delete all of my posts (if possible) and jump ship.

I was saving my STEEM for someone else, so I could buy an account for them, so they wouldn't have to fork over their email and phone number to start an account. But they aren't ready to join. They have problems of their own in which owning STEEM or any other crypto under their own name would also cause problems.

BUT maybe, what I need to do is make more of an effort to only curate the writers that create the content I really want to be reading.

Maybe, I haven't been exercising healthy boundaries enough with this platform.

I know that whenever I start exercising healthier boundaries in any relationship, my positioning and perspective improves.

And it improves no matter what the outcome looks like.

Why I Joined Steemit to Begin With

To experience a decentralized platform where I could experiment with the gift economy and tippy-toe my way into crypto at the same time.

I've never expected to get rich.

It also would give me an "experimental" time to see what the platform is really like.

I was attracted at first. I was, but then after a few months of dating, I started seeing the more toxic side of this platform. And, trust me, it's toxic.

I almost feel like the creators of Steemit built a large arena and thrust players into it, just to sit back and watch the contestants fight amongst themselves and see which tricks they would play in order to become "whales."

I don't do drama.

I divorced that more than once in my life and it's not healthy behavior as I've mentioned in my previous post.

I'm not going to play by those rules.

I'm not going to play that game.

I'm just not.

I still believe this platform has great things in store for it. I do. But I learned long ago, the only person's behaviors you can control in a relationship is your own.

Time for Healthier Boundaries

From here on out, I will be unfollowing anyone who doesn't produce content I'm not interested in reading.

From here on out, I'm not going to strive for an audience. If I really want to be heard, I'll use other platforms (like Medium) where I don't have to struggle for said audience. (This is what it looks like when someone takes responsibility for their own needs in a relationship).

I'll decide later, what I'll actually end up using this platform for.

I feel disappointed when I try to engage in genuine discussion here on the platform with someone who makes a really good piece and they don't engage.

It's no different than me coming up to you after you're done speaking somewhere and asking you for clarification on a point -- and you basically signaling security to have me hauled away so you're not bothered by my presence.

I don't care how awesome your presentations are -- if you're a dick, I'm unfollowing you.

I believe in having healthy, uplifting and growing relationships. Iron can sharpen iron in healthy ways. (And yes, I made that subhead larger than the others on purpose. It's not a formatting mistake.)

Well, Mikl, I feel like you're being a dick for writing this.

Then by all means, unfollow me.

Like I also said in my last post -- I literally only have a handful of people who actually engage with my posts. (Thank you again!!!) If you don't engage with me -- why are you still here?

Are you waiting for me to provide some awesome content?

HINT: Scroll through my feed for some actual articles I wrote. You'll find they aren't bad compared to a lot of other things I'm sure you encounter here on this platform.

And for the love of God, if you are a shitty, fake bot ass account -- by ALL means, PLEASE UNFOLLOW ME.

Let the healthy boundaries begin.

Let's see what that produces for awhile, shall we?

I'll know soon enough if this will work out or not. Then I won't feel bad for cutting it off, just in case I was wrong.

I'll be deleting my Discord and SteemEngine.net accounts as well.

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