💊ATLANTICO NETWORK💊Turbo 💊 (01.08.) 💊

in bounty •  7 years ago 

Hello, guys! Please take part in new Turbo Bounty for ATLANTICO!


Twitter turbo

Terms: follow official Twitter page, retweet the post and leave constructive comment (at least 2 sentences).
Follow the page + retweet + comment - 65 ATL for the post

Link for the official Twitter page https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1
Link for the post 1 https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1/status/1024285395817820160
Link for the post 2 https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1/status/1023846055279046656
Link for the post 3 https://twitter.com/AtlantICOnetwo1/status/1023167625252274176

Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1QWSouxW10HzG6yY-EhnoduEvWf7Iu0Y8efDyvRt7eww

Medium turbo

Terms: follow official Medium page, leave 30 claps and constructive comment (at least 2 sentences) for Medium posts.
Follow the page + 30 claps - 20 ATL for each post
Follow the page + 30 claps + comment - 45 ATL for each post

Link for the official Medium page https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1
Link for the post 1 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/atlantico-network-advisers-c70223aa66d5
Link for the post 2 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/trackico-rates-atlantico-network-5-5-d53ba4d71cd7
Link for the post 3 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/the-use-of-atl-tokens-c842692195db
Link for the post 4 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/what-atl-tokens-are-not-1501666890e8
Link for the post 5 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/solutions-to-market-problems-e919a0efa2e2
Link for the post 6 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/what-is-an-atl-token-f8d34cbcfdff
Link for the post 7 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/our-team-a6f160909e93
Link for the post 8 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/the-projects-core-idea-ba65de8422f
Link for the post 9 https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/a-review-of-atlantico-1b6d4bab8717

Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1CPyKvh1o0HQe4Oz7AltN6w2kV8QJ5PMCDCnfHkIGZ_o

Facebook turbo

Terms: follow official Facebook page and make a constructive post about ATLANTICO (at least 3 sentences) for 65 ATL. You should use the following hashtags: #AtlantICO #Cryptocurrency #Atlantico_Network

Link for the official Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/atlanticonetwork/

Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1cmU4C0Xdzs2XPb42BMWAV3Ou4cvqfbR5TqLpsIKdA5Q

Telegram turbo

Terms: join official telegram group and leave constructive comment (at least 2 sentences) about 5 points from TrackICO Rating Agency to Atlantico Network for 65 ATL.

Link for the official telegram group https://t.me/AtlantICO_network
Link for the news https://medium.com/@AtlantICOnetwo1/trackico-rates-atlantico-network-5-5-d53ba4d71cd7

Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gE17VuetE2APSb1L0_PK7Ubd6gxnzraE23JRq0j-gAo

Turbo spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1GLswY60pT1U1zEVsASlJmvSOXTKkA_a_kIKaoYzbWBk
P.S. Turbo Bounty is a short terms bounty, limited by time with fix tokens reward

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I followed and up votes you. please followback @huanmv