Hello, guys! Please take part in Turbo Bounty for KAMAGAMES for 15 KGT (only 500 participants will be in time)!
Register or login with Facebook / Google / LinkedIn account
Click "thumb up" button
- Click "like" (heart button)
- Write a positive constructive comment about the project (no less than 15 words).
Google form https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1OV45bj2hLMoAYce-QtQZZaGtvi8KOuw6aBnwzUTl0mU
Turbo spreadsheet https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/155RBtQKuzFXI6WfWE8aptkrJaJ_GI8H3bHqcziNWXQU
P.S. Turbo Bounty is a short terms bounty, limited by time with fix tokens reward