How Your Brand Is Built By Others?

in branding •  3 years ago  (edited)

Your brand is being build by the STORIES others tell about you.


Do you know the stories that others are telling / sharing about you?
Do you defend the truth of those stories when they are being told?

Be on that constant vagile!
Just like did.


I didn't say that. In fact, no one seems to have, according to Google.

— Paul Graham (@paulg) December 10, 2021
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Agree on this. Reminds me of the article by Tom Peter "The Brand Called You". It was published way back in 1997, if my memory serves me correct. In that he writes that each one of us is a company by itself: Me Inc. and that we need to keep creating a impeccable and remarkable track record that have noteworthy contribution to the team we work for. Brand-You is greatly important in Gig Economy.

And like companies we need to jealousy guard our brand else someone will hijack it.

Here is the link to the Tom Peter's article published in "FastCompany" ...
