- We do what we believe in. We only believe in what we see. We see what the rich want to see. This is a very big problem. Who manages the laws? Who manages education? Who manages the media? Who manages Money? - Rich or Poor? Now that we know that the rich govern with all the important institutions, then it is a normal conclusion that we believe in only what the rich say to us.
When I changed my beliefs, I began to create a successful career. The rules were set up to make big ones even richer, they were not made for us. I realized that those who managed to climb to the top violated the rules. This does not mean that you should cheat, it means that you should explore opportunities. If there is a way to have more followers on a steemit that is not classical, use it.
https://steemfollower.com It seems to me that this is quite a good way-try it yourself and you can have 30 followers each day.
The rules only make us addicts. All those who succeeded in pursuing a life were followed by only one rule "the rule of their hearts and their dreams". If we follow all the rules that are prescribed, we just let each other and stand out from the crowd.
It is necessary to realize the recognition that these people will see, but it is not enough to just stay on it, but we must always do new things.Doing new things that people like is not at all easy. Marketing and promotion requires constant thinking, what is it to what people will react? Today has so many things that it's hard to be the first in something, but on the other hand it's not so bad because through other experiences we create what can be unique if we do a little bit about it ...
From the king burger is expected to share crypts with his hamburgers, steemit has found a way to pay through his money bloggers on his site and so advertises his money. But what I see is that people write everything and everything, some brilliant texts do not have popularity, while others who are without money make money. The reason for this is that it all depends on the number of people who follow you and vote for you ...
It's a question of how to get our fans, ok we have to work, but hard work does not produce results if it's not smart. How to attract as many fans to our posts. It's the same as sales and promotion, as if you are selling any other product . We need to see that we attract the attention of those who respect what we offer, which, if not paid by advertising, if it is profitable ...
Creative people make their own rules
From Heart
Dr. Great Success