Breast Cancer is a medical condition that can occur in women. One experiences a sharp pain in the breast with some tenderness. However, there are no particular early symptoms of breast cancer in females.
Initially, you may notice a painless lump in your breast, potentially indicating a tumor in the breast as the most common sign of forming breast cancer.
In a major number of cases, women don't have any apparent signs of breast cancer at the time of diagnosis. Rather, these early signs are discovered on an imaging test. Even the small lumpy tumor is distinctly small in the early stages of breast cancer, and it is barely noticeable to the naked eye.
Mammograms (low-dose X-rays) play an important role in helping detect such underlying tumor in the breast, long before it grows big enough or causes any cancer-like symptoms or in a stage where it is more easily treatable, or the breast cancer is in its early stages showing such symptoms.