the reality of industrial farming :
dear Michelle moons,
you should be executed... why? because you know full well your picture is a total lie, like those showing the baby crying.
I don't have any interest in being subject to your manipulation, and don't consider liar humans.
as such dear michelle moons
I wish the worst, to you and your loved ones.
die fast.
you see, it's not possible for me any more to "be informed". I only see lies, deceit, thieves and all the others. I am clearly feed up with the situation.
So that it doesn't affect too much my stress level (which they seek to soft kill me), I better leave all public debate, like many millions before me.
ask yourself this question, which profession pretend to have legal immunity to lie professionally? Since when the founders of america made lying a business? Specially when in this business they are clearly deceivers immoral unethical domestic combatant?
frankly, my message to you, is that you have fucked up, deeply, structurally and in the ways. And the worst is that each step to get out of this generational mess, is always opposed by another layer of "free press", at one point, I wish sincerly a total war on american soil to kill all those journalists, the good, the bad, I don't them alive anymore.
they are just fomenting trouble all the time, never to solve anything, but just steer, manipulate...
everyone fucking now that this farmer picture is fucking lie, it's worst than pravada...
ag industries... what are the metrics of ags? yields per (area/input) it has nothing to do with this narrative of farmer... it's like bitcoin mining, ruthless, soulless, just an equation in motion. nothing.
me and contrary to them I am solution oriented, and I hate to waste time, so if you could start with your trillion $ budget create at least ONE factual publication... because you know the chineses, know where you live, who you fuck, what you think everything...
and us, the so called allies or americans? are in the full fucking dark.
so rather than be lead by fake lights... I go too in the dark.
fair well and die fast, because frankly, you have made me hopeless again. Thank you very much.
and now I have to learn fucking chinese.... grrr or russian.... grrrr²
may the ieds be kind to you all and only slaughter the worst among you... specially the "farmers sons"...