When the European interior ministers voted in 2015 to require member states accept mandatory migrant quotas it was one more move which assured the collapse of the European Union.
Since then more people keep asking, “Why is it taking so long?”
The short answer might roughly be that the globalists will keep pounding away at the foundational values of society to utterly destroy democracy and sovereignty across all of Europe.
Oh, one more thing (at least), and this is key; Money. As long as Brussels has money expect the hammers to keep pounding away.
This article first appeared at HalseyNews.com in December 2017.
All across the West the same institutions are under attack. And for the most part, they’re attacked from within by those with the now familiar agendas of neo-Marxism. The globalist’s big experiment is the European Union, an assault on sovereignty, is beginning to fall apart.
What precipitates the end of the EU project and a return to sovereign states will, after the collapse, be argued for many decades. Imminent some dangers wouldn’t be clearer if you painted them day-glow orange. What are some of the signs? Here's a few possible threats to EU solidarity.
First, Brexit threatens the EU simply by giving others ideas on possibly removing themselves from the entanglement of Brussels bureaucracy. (Regardless of what mess rebel Tories in the UK now stir up; cat’s out of the bag.) Remember, we were told a thousand times the pro-Brexit side would never win.
Second, we see Islamic terrorism is not going away. In 2015 Europol reported 211 “failed, foiled and completed terrorist attacks” that killed 151 people and injured 360 more. In response to the increased threat of what is largely mosque-fueled jihad, in 2016 the EU ordered British Press to NOT report when terrorists are Muslim. Yes, you read that correctly.
A government interfering with media is a red flag.
What’s equally disturbing is Brussels submission to jihadis over their own nationals, such a position of cowardliness, some would suggest, foretells a bloody future.
Third, how about a currency meltdown as the Euro collapses? None other than Otmar Issing, economist and inventor of the Euro suggests, “Europe will be hit by a new economic crisis.” Which will occur, says Issing, in “six weeks, six months or six years” and he warns the “euro is unlikely to survive that coming crisis."
Europe has staggering debt, if credit markets get jittery Germany—the economic engine of Europe—may be on the hook. (When the global credit-bubble bursts, we all fall down a very deep hole.) In that case more people will be doing Goggle searches for the German translation for long-term economic depression.
Fourth is Civil War: France is on a path to possible civil war. No-go zones are there to stay; police dare not enter areas where ad hoc Muslim security controls the streets. Civil unrest is not reported widely and mass car burnings are common.
Decades ago the elite chose to abandon their civilization and cultural canons.
They detested any who disagreed with them, and turned their backs on traditional voters. They also ignored the threat from Islamists, preferring instead to court Muslims as a uniform block.
Today, in those areas where recent migrants gather in the hundreds to await asylum hearings, they threaten locals, sleep in the streets and use neighborhoods as toilets. Authorities have no desire to take up residents’ complaints, and are much less enthusiastic to confront hordes of young jihadis who see themselves as conquerors of infidels.
So already 2018 doesn’t look like a bed of roses. What might be the spark which ignites the fuse? It occurs to me there are no positive responses to that question and I’ll just leave it there. But like a sprawling monster-movie octopus with tentacles all across France (and much of Western Europe), the fuses are out there.
Of the mandatory migrant quota mentioned earlier, it’s no surprise to learn the scheme is the work of EU boss Jean-Claude Juncker. The plan is framed in humanitarian terms to “more equally” distribute migrants across member states. No big deal, right?
The initial number of migrants mentioned is 160,000, mostly from Middle East and African countries. Small potatoes after Merkel alone allowed some two million “asylum seekers” to enter Germany. But this isn’t the end of “mass-migration” events, not by a long shot—accepting quotas is giving up sovereignty. Destroying sovereignty is one of the most basic goals of globalists.
On top of these nerve-wracking scenarios we can’t ignore Merkel’s failure to win a majority in September’s election.
The disdain the political elite hold for European civilization and an ongoing threat to Europe’s external borders. In 2018 Europe is going to be a place to watch, big things are likely to happen and happen fast. Whether it is economics, migration, terrorism, or a pandemic (Ebola, plaque, flu) one danger may lead to another more perilous danger.
Just so we’re not all doom and gloom here, and there are some positives things coming into view (or is it too late for that?). Eastern European countries, most notably the Visegrad Group have for 2 years said mandatory quotas are “politically finished” but that didn’t stop a more recent ruling from the EU’s top court that states would have to accept migrants quotas. This ensures more friction among members, more anti-EU sentiment (which is not to be confused as being anti-European).
Expect to see Hungary’s Victor Orban pushing back against the Commission and the European Parliament. Also, Poland wants to maintain control of its court system passing key legislation last month. Continued challenges from the now old-guard globalists will serve only to divide the union further and encourage talk of change.
In Eastern Europe also, Austria could lead the conversation regarding trade and economics. To this end they recently entered into talks with Visegrad countries to explore practical options.
To suggest there is a lot of rough road ahead for everyday Europeans is, in my view, a major understatement. There are real dangers ahead. But looking down the road, there are fewer globalists blocking a path to a better and much more independent future.