Panic Sets In, The Financial Pundits Beg The Fed To Stop, The Plan Pushes Forward - Episode 1717a

in brexit •  6 years ago  (edited)

The people are not happy in the UK, the BREXIT deal is not what they wanted, their voices were not heard. Wells Fargo and Credit Suisse are laying off employees. Retail sales are not doing as well as everyone thought. Financial pundits are warning the Fed to stop with the interest rates. They want the Fed to pause and wait and see. But the plan must go forward, the take down of the central banking system is the plan.

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Thank you Dave. The part on intend as defense is !@##$$ unacceptable. None of us normal people can use intend to get off any traffic ticket when there isn't even any damage to anyone so how is that acceptable on defending a breach of national security.

Thanks again, Dave. Precious Metals' fire sale will not last much longer. Get some while it is avaliable.

Isn't the Fed supposed to be an arm of the NWO? Why would it do something against its masters?