BridgeSwap- Bridge Defi on Web 3.0 from Traditional Finance

in bridgeswap •  3 years ago 


Oleme liikumas tehnoloogilise ajastu poole, kus arvutusvõimsus on kaasaegse tehnoloogia kütus. Arvuti töötlemisvõimsust on vaja areneva tehnoloogia pidevalt arenevate aspektide kontrollimiseks. Tehisintellekt, virtuaalreaalsus, liitreaalsus, pilvandmetöötlus ja plokiahela tehnoloogia jne. Sellest sai kaup, kui nõudlus selle järele kasvas. BRIS Coin on ideaalne revolutsiooniline toode kõikidele kauplejate oskustasemetele, olenemata sellest, kas olete mängus uustulnuk või kogenud veteran, BridgeSwap platvorm täiustab teie kauplemiskogemust. teie investeering suurendab teie kauplemiskogemust, kauplemiskogemust ja kauplemiskogemust.

Krüptovaluuta turu-uuring ei ole enam keeruline ja aeganõudev protsess!

BridgeSwapi platvormi võib seletada kui täielikult detsentraliseeritud krüptovaluutat, mis kasutab suhteliselt uut tüüpi tehingumudelit, mida tuntakse automatiseeritud likviidsusprotokollina. BridgeSwap töötab koos Binance Smart Chainiga. DEX kasutab automatiseeritud turutegijate nutikaid lepinguid, et luua BEP-20 kaubamärkide jaoks likviidsuskogumid. Need funktsioonid võimaldavad kasutajatel kaubelda traditsioonilistel börsidel kasutatavate tellimisalgoritmide abil.

Ettevõte haldab BridgeSwap Exchange'i detsentraliseeritud plokiahela süsteemi, mis sisaldab mitmeid nutikaid lepinguid oma plokiahela tehnoloogia ja krüptovaluuta jaoks ning platvorm on toode. Süsteemi tooteid loovad nii tugevamad ja võimekamad inimesed kui ka kogenud logistikaettevõtted ja organisatsioonid maailmas. Lisaks kasutatakse tööstuses plokiahelat ja nutikaid lepinguid, luues potentsiaalset pakkumist ja mastaabisäästu. Detsentraliseeritud tootmine muudab tööstuse kättesaadavamaks, turvalisemaks ja majanduslikult tervislikumaks suuremale arvule peer-to-peer (P2P) ökosüsteemis osalejatele. Seega on BRIS-i rahakott ökosüsteemis kogu suhtluse keskpunkt, samuti turvaline hoiu- ja vahetusplatvorm nii krüpto- kui ka fiat-valuutadele, võimaldades kasutajatel saata, salvestada, saata ja vahetada. Toetab krüptovaluutasid ja fiati valuutasid. Plokiahelas on müüjatel vabadus valida ja tasu eest erinevate varade vahel vahetada. Kasutajad saavad teisendada BTC-st, ETH-st, BNB-st ja BRIS-ist, kasutades peer-to-peer ülekandeid ja vahetusi, ning maksta ka kaupmeheteenuste eest.


What is BridgeSwap?
BridgeSwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) hosted by Binance Smart Chain. The DEX uses automated market makers smart contracts to create a liquidity pool for BEP-20 brands. These features allow users to trade using the ordering algorithm used on traditional exchanges.

Defi Defi Web 3.0

Bridgeswap combines Defi Web 3.0 with traditional finance in a decentralized way to create a fair, sustainable, accessible and community-based global economy.

Advantages of BridgeSwap:

Open source

BridgeSwap-DeF is a publicly available open source application, which means that if the BridgeSwap-DeF team later leaves General Company, the existing BridgeSwap-DeF team can continue to expand and develop add-ons.

Decentralization and high autonomy

BridgeSwap-DeFi operates without a centralized expert organization or central staff, and since all changes take place on-chain, it cannot be stopped until a pragmatic Binance Smart Chain (BSC) is established. establish.

High level of anonymity

Since there is no customer profile to log in and anyone with a BSC address can use the BridgeSwap App-DeF, there is a serious ambiguity. Similarly, there is no KYC cycle prior to using BridgeSwap-DeF, unlike various shifts.

a community of great interest

BridgeSwap -DeF, as mentioned earlier, is a complete advanced customization of various valuable Defi steps. In this regard, it is clear that BridgeSwap-DeFi has caused many network problems.

Gas discount

According to BridgeSwap-DeF, it has a larger number of decentralized trading partners due to its moderate planning and system.

BridgeSwapApp Exchange is designed to provide a high-tech platform for cryptocurrency exchange through interactive features. The platform aims to solve trading difficulties caused by high costs for traders. As a revolutionary platform, BridgeSwap is also designed with good customer service in mind and hopefully it is a solution for fast response, fast payments and friendly tutorials. In addition, BridgeSwapApp Exchange uses a selling algorithm for high frequency trading. The platform is also useful for many cryptocurrencies so traders and investors can make more money. Most importantly, they make the process easier with a single portfolio viewing platform. BridgeSwap Exchange is designed for flexible cryptocurrency trading. Therefore, the platform is compatible between devices to make trading more difficult.


Tokenomics plays a vital role in the success of any cryptocurrency project. We've built a strong and functional encryption engine that makes Bridgeswap a success. Let's take a closer look at the Bridged Swap Tokenomy:

Token Name: Bridgeswap

Token Symbol: BRIS

Contract Address:

Chain: BNB Smart Chain (BEP20)

Initial Total Supply: 2,200,000 BRIS tokens

Maximum Supply: No maximum Supply

Initial Total Supply Distribution

• 50% burn address: 50% of the total initial supply — 1,210,000 tokens — has been sent to the burn address. This has been done for 2 reasons: To reduce the initial circulation supply and to have a Low Market Cap at launch.

• 18% crowd sale: 18% of tokens has been allocated to Crowdsale, 40% at TGE and 10% unlocked linearly in 6 months.

• 5% Team: 3 years cliff and 5% monthly for 2 years.

• 10% liquidity: We have locked 10% of the tokens for 3 years.

• 7% Marketing: This will be used for the marketing and promotional activities of the project. 3 months cliff and 10% unlocked linearly in 10 months.

• 10% Defi 2.0 Zap Event: We have allocated this for our Defi 2.0 zap event which will allow liquidity providers to get discounted Bris tokens. 30% unlocked linearly in 2 years.

Summary of Tokens Allocation

Burn address — 1,210,000 BRIS
Team — 66,000 BRIS
Liquidity — 220,000 BRIS
Crowdsale — 396,000 BRIS
Defi 2.0 zap event — 220,000 BRIS


BridgeSwap exchange is different from FIAT or any currency exchange. Cryptocurrency exchange is easier and faster because it involves direct trading from one trader to another. The goal is to have a platform that facilitates the exchange of cryptocurrencies. BRIS is designed to provide a great solution for cryptographic exchange operations. The platform has a number of features that help change actions. Most importantly, traders or investors will reap real benefits and profits from using the BRIS label.

For More Details Connect to BridgeSwap






Proof Of Authentication

Forum Username : AmirEliKing

Forum Profile Link :;u=3403206

Telegram Username : @Richtrard

Participating Campaigns : facebook

BSC Address : 0xd504444C0245e18E15323b6Ed485883bf9f2A31c

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