Brittney Griner story reveals the deep divide of our nation.

in brittney •  3 years ago 


The Brittney Griner story is among the most stark examples I have seen of the fact that we really aren't a nation anymore, and people on each side of the political aisle genuinely don't consider each other to be fellow Americans anymore. That we have zero shared national interests, all the way down to rejecting the notion that our government should work to defend the liberties of all of us.

It's been clear to me for a long time that this was true for the vast majority of people on the left. That they think of people on the right as immoral humans who deserve to suffer for their moral crimes. The Brittney Griner case, and the reaction from it by many on the right, make clear that this is now absolutely the case for the right as well.

It was bound to get to this point. You can only dehumanize a group of people for so long before they begin to respond in kind. Even still, there's something sad about it to me. Griner may be a leftist, but she didn't hurt anybody and is now facing a decade in prison. It goes directly against my values to treat her as a less worthy child of God than I am. I can throw many more stones at myself than I can at Brittney Griner, based on how little I know about her transgressions and how thoroughly I understand my own.

That being said, I cannot argue one bit with the conservatives who point out to me that the left would be gleefully calling for the death penalty if the shoe were on the other foot.

We can't keep doing this.

National divorce is the only solution at this point. When you get to the point where each side of government seeks to actively hurt citizens on the other side of the political aisle, government becomes more dangerous to you than any foreigner. This has been true on the left for decades, but I am now starting to see signs that it is becoming true on the right. The reaction to Brittney Griner's imprisonment is one such sign.

If we don't get off this path ASAP via peaceable means of separation, millions of people are going to die.

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