Game Review: Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons

in brothers •  7 years ago  (edited)

I’m a sucker for a good story, and am always on the lookout for anything that is able to tell me a good story. Books, tv shows, movies, or video games.

Although this blog’s primary purpose is to share my own writing and journey as an author, I wouldn’t be a true lover of the art of storytelling if I didn’t share other people’s stories that I have enjoyed. So, every now and then I’ll share a review of a story I have enjoyed.

A Story about Two Brothers

“Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons” is a video game that was released in 2013 by Starbreeze Studios AB and 505 Games for Xbox 360, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

I first played Brothers on my Windows computer through Steam the same year it came out. I was blown away by the beautiful artwork and compelling story of two brothers who set out on a perilous journey to find a cure for their ailing father. Along the way they make friends, outwit bullies, see beautiful countrysides and animal life, and even travel through the remains of a giant battleground. Below are a few screenshots that I’ve taken that showcase the stunning artwork and variety of scenery. I couldn't get enough of it so I kept pressing the screenshot key in an effort to capture everything!

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Click here to view the images larger.

The other night I played it for the second time on the same platform (different computer, though), and it still held the same magic. I was able to easily recall the puzzles as I made my way through, so my time playing went a lot faster than before. But I still left the game deeply touched by the beautifully sad story.

Play as Both Brothers

The unique style of gameplay that Brothers presents can take a little bit of getting used to. I know of a few people that they couldn’t get a handle on it, but many others who loved it.

Personally, I enjoyed it. Using an Xbox controller, the older brother is controlled by the left analog stick and trigger button, while the younger brother is controlled by the right analog stick and trigger button. There are many times throughout the game that you have to control both brothers at the exact same time in order to get past an obstacle. At first it can feel a bit like trying to pat your head and rub your stomach simultaneously, but it does get much easier.

I felt that this unique style of gameplay was essential to the story. You’re controlling two brothers who are working together to find the cure for their father. They have to be able to rely on each other. Putting the brothers on separate controls that you have to function at the same time not only encourages the bond between the characters, but between the player and the story.

Shhhh….No Spoilers

After accidentally spoiling the end of the game to a friend of mine in The Writers’ Block (to whom I am eternally sorry--you know who you are) I’m going to stop here. I can promise you that, if you are able to work past the awkward controls, this is a story that will fill you with both intense moments of awe and sadness. If you cry at anything, you will need tissues by the time you finish this game.


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Man, I remember this game. It was amazing. I wish that it was longer. It was so good. Probably one of the most emotional journeys in a video game.

The creators have made a new game called A Way Out that's said to be just as emotional. But you have to play it with a friend, it's not a solo video game. As soon as I'm able to buy it I gotta find someone to play it with, hehe.

And the artwork, from what I've seen, is just as stunning as in Brothers

Awesome. I will have to look into it and then try and find some time to play it. What platforms is it on?

Windows, PS4, and Xbox One. Here's the website. I'm hoping to get the Xbox One version:

I remember tearing up at the end of that one. :(

I cried both times I played it. :'(

Those are some cool graphics! Sounds like a game with a beautiful story!