BRUTALLY HONEST: They Shout Democracy While They Don't Endorse it...

in brutallyhonest •  7 years ago 

Here is a simple question. If you get to vote on things yet what is voted for does not happen or is challenged then is that a Democracy? I have my own problems with the idea of Democracy, but I have a bigger problem with Hypocrits and Double Standards.

Brexit. I saw a man giving a good speech saying the vote was to "Leave" or "Remain". It was not a vote about Soft exit, or people stalling and saying now they won't even do it. I guess that vote didn't mean anything.

Yet if they can get the vote they want these same people will Crow and talk about how great it is. Brexit occurred before Trump, yet Trump is another example.

Obama: Trump's Rigged Election Comments are 'Ridiculous' - 53 seconds - An Obama Appeal To The Stone Fallacy

Trump won't commit to accepting election results - 2 minutes and 9 seconds

Hillary and Obama both saying that Trump should not contest the vote because it is not rigged. They were saying this days before he won. You see he wasn't supposed to win. They talked about how his supporters would be violent if he won and would not agree with the results.

This is called projection. This describes completely what Hillary/Obama supporters did. They've spent more than a year of disruptions, tantrums, wasteful spending, and purposeful attacks on society to counter the election of Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump. I probably would now. A lot of that is simply due to what he has actually done (I don't like it all) under an unprecedented onslaught. Also largely I've been swayed by the actions of these mentally immature people that happen to have adult bodies.

I am also very angry at Google/Youtube, Facebook, Twitter, and others that believe it is okay to Censor pro-Trump people for pretty petty things, yet they won't censor people threatening or endorsing violence against Trump or Pro-Trump people. You don't even have to be pro-Trump. You just have to be against what they are trying to force feed us.

Another interesting point just to address the "She won the popular vote!!!". Let's assume she did. So what? Obama and Hillary knew the system, and endorsed it. Popular vote does not matter. We do not live in the United States of California, Texas, Florida, and New York. If popular vote was the way we did things then no candidate would ever need to campaign anywhere but those four states. Yet the other 46 states might as well not vote at all they simply would be the slave colonies to those four states. Thus, we have the electoral college with the intent of making this not the case.

TRUMP & BREXIT: GAME OVER? - 5 Minutes and 40 seconds

Those four states still have more electoral college vote value than the rest of the country, but they are not able to enslave the rest of the country due to their concentration centers for population.

Now let's take some brutal truth. It is highly unlikely Hillary Clinton actually did win the popular vote. They did audit the vote in some states and the cases of voter fraud that were found were to Hillary's benefit. Some of the places that should be investigated they refused to do so. These also happen to be places that will often end up as sanctuary cities, or states. You'll even be able to find examples where they believe ILLEGAL immigrants should be allowed to vote. There are also examples where they can vote.

Fallacies Assignment: Appeal to Emotion (Family Guy) - 37 Seconds

SO if I trespass into your house. I get to vote on what the rules are for your house then? I can walk in and sit on your couch. You better make sure to keep your refrigerator stocked. I need food. In fact, I might have more right to that food than your own children. I'm going to bring my kids with me too. When my children are not sitting on the couch in the house I trespassed on they people that own that house better be paying for my children to go to school. Don't bring up that they can't pay for their children. That doesn't matter. They should pay for me the trespassers children. Why? Because, I will gladly vote multiple times for any politician that protects my right to trespass, get fed, and get my children education. The actual citizens and home owners are not as much of a guarantee of a vote.

Fallacy Examples - 3 Minutes and 41 Seconds

Now this scenario may seem ridiculous. Yet it is happening all across our nation. In fact the great uproar over DACA is about something that isn't even a LAW. It was an executive order signed by Obama. IT was not signed or written by Congress. IT is not a LAW.

So what does it do? It protects the "innocent poor" children of illegal immigrants (aka trespassers) and insure not only are they fed, but they are given FREE education. The interesting thing is that actual citizens cannot get free education for their children, but we are supposed to give trespassers children free education.

The political assholes will attempt to play upon your emotions by painting the children of the trespassers as the victim. How dare you take away their free education? They of course won't bother to point out the children of actual citizens that can't go to school because they can't afford it. Yet, they'll be outraged about anything done against trespassers.

They'll even play with the words and twist them as they attempt to manipulate the citizens. They'll attack anyone talking about this as anti-immigration. Yet there is a big difference between immigration and trespassing. One case they are invited. The other case they are not.

Do you like to be able to decide who can come into your house? If so that is akin to immigration.

Do you like to be able to tell people to leave your house and to kick out people or even attack them if they just open your door, break a window, or otherwise come into your house without your permission? This is trespass.

Most people are not anti-immigration. They are anti-trespassers. For this reason I propose we stop calling them illegal immigration as the asshole politicians trying to mind control the masses will conveniently ignore the word ILLEGAL. They will use that to paint any opponent anti-immigration when they are not. So let's just call it the one word definitions for it. They are Trespassers.

I'm pro-immigration. I am anti-trespasser.

Milton Friedman - The Free Lunch Myth - 7 Minutes and 7 Seconds

I also am anti-FREE stuff for anyone, including citizens. The government has no ability to give anything for free. They have no products other than waste, war, and laws. So anything FREE is actually paid for in one of two ways. 1) Increasing taxes on citizens to spend it. 2) Taking out a loan and essentially taking out a credit card in the name of the citizens without letting the citizens spend it. So FREE in one way or another is stealing from or indenturing the citizens.

Yet in the case of the trespassers it is worse. They want to give FREE stuff to criminals. FREE stuff that non-criminals cannot even get. When someone complains about that they'll play with the words and say emotionally charged but totally false things to try to make people pointing out the injustice out to be the bad guys.

There are examples of Democracy being pushed when convenient and ignored when it is not. There are double standards all over the place. Let's talk about Trump drinking water in a speech as though that is the most important news of the day, or fake that he did stupid things feeding Koi by careful camera angles. Meanwhile let's ignore other people that have committed so many crimes, and in some cases treason yet they are not only allowed to walk, they are given a voice as though they are great people.

The world has been rapidly inverting for awhile. I sometimes call it backwards world.

If you report a crime. The criminal is protected, and you are the villain for reporting it.

If you are a threat to the criminals calling the shot then they'll do everything to blame you for the things they actually do. They'll paint people as criminals, and often get away with that with ZERO evidence. It is also okay for them to waste huge funds, resources and times to dig for petty things against their opponent, yet it is not okay for someone to call them out for actual crimes.

This isn't happening in just the United States and the United Kingdom. This subjective double standard hypocritical "Democracy" is rampant across the world.

Those that complain about capitalism, monopolies, etc are fine with giving true monopolies on a massive scale to entities they support. Those that hate cronyism in capitalism often push for the ultimate forms of cronyism that historically exist and have nothing to do with capitalism.

Things are messy. I can't tell you what is going to happen, as what is occurring seems historically unprecedented on many levels.

I believe we've been essentially seeing World War III actually occurring for some time. The battlefield simply changed to the territory that exists inside each of our minds. Its a war to control our minds, dumb us down, and keep us acting like good herd animals.

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Human dont have So many rights if we look at democracy.
Politics do decide, and influence everything. Even elections.....
Its a shame,

Unfortunately, the third world war has already begun. The world is chaos, and we must make ourselves heard before it is too late. Do not stop.

waiting for more from you dwinblood! keep motivating!

What bothers me is that they are really shameless and believe that one is stupid, and worst of all, there are many stupid people who believe them.

In the BBC, they took out an article at the beginning of the year that said something was wrong with democracy, why Trump won the elections and Brexit too.

Well now we know that they have a mentality and a morality superior to that of all other people and can say that it is right and not; Obama, uhhh? That's fine, Hillary? Ok, Trump? never.

And I'm not defending democracy, I'm showing brazenness, how the "democratic" party is not democratic, and how democracies "work badly" when people disagree with them.

The Left was based originally off of liberalism which was an ideology of tolerance. Yet the modern liberal is perhaps one of the most intolerant group of people I've ever heard of. They believe they are tolerant in forcing you to agree with them or being justified in attacking you. They truly have no idea what tolerance means. They yell about hate speech with the veins sticking out in their necks and their faces turning red and they miss the pure irony of THEM saying those words. They truly need hats that have a mirror that they always see that shows themselves. Maybe they'd realize how insane they often are.

They are free to believe what they want. I do not challenge their right to that. I don't agree with them, but I am okay with them believing what they want. They however do not believe I have that same right and believe that they have the right to force their beliefs upon me and if I disagree they will even often justify violence to excise me from their reality.

To them tolerance is being totally okay with everyone believing the same things. The even think forcing diversity is being tolerant. Yet even that is intolerant. That is forcing reality to fit a desired outcome, it is not allowing reality to be tolerated and to take on its own shapes.

You can reread your comment but this time thinking about a totalitarian regime and you will see that they think alike.

They believe they are tolerant in forcing you to agree with them or being justified in attacking you.

This is Nazi "tolerance".

To them tolerance is being totally okay with everyone believing the same things.

This is Soviet "tolerance".


Well said, @dwinblood .I think smaller governments (more local, less centralised) and the removal of career politicians would improve the world.
I also love that now in Europe "populism" is considered a problem. Is democracy not the same as populism? (Demos and populus mean people/nation in Greek and Latin respectively). Masses will be manipulated.

Yep. I agree. Good observation on Populism. A key in a Representative form of government is the laws they pass must also impact them, and if they cannot be held accountable and do not actually reside among those they represent and have to interact with them on a regular basis then they are not even close to a true representation anyway. It's an immediate avenue of corruption.

I for one will be voting for AI politicians once that is a thing.

I won't, because I code AI myself or what people are passing off as AI these days. They are expert systems and they can be programmed to REPRESENT the interests and desires of whomever programs them and defines their rules. We have nothing close to true sentience. We just have things more and more adept at following larger and more complex sets of rules. This complexity gives more and more the illusion of sentience, though it is really just a simulation. So those who give the AI its rules would rule the world.

Right, I understand that and for now AI is limited in many ways, one being the processing power and optimizations needed and another being that most AI breakthroughs are isolated into some tiny niche utility where it excels at one thing but can't do anything else. For a long time I have thought decentralized AI would be something to negate the problem of processing power and mitigate the issue of a select few having total control, idea being if the bitcoin blockchain was actually processing an AI it would have a drastic impact on what it can do and how fast it can be done. Well, either a long time of telling people it should be done payed off or great minds think alike because we have a few decentralized AI projects in the oven, SingularityNET looks the most promising, DeepBrainChain has the right idea, and of course Golem has the potential for processing AI. SingularityNET sounds to me like they are aiming to solve the biggest problem which is the thousands of AI components we currently have rarely work together in any kind of intelligent way without human interventions, although I think in terms of processing ethereum is not the best choice. Anyway I suppose if you are into AI you probably heard of at least 2 of these, but to anyone else reading it may be something new and interesting to see :) Sorry for deviating so much from the original post topic ^_^

No, thanks for the information. I've heard of these, but have not investigated them fully. I mainly see the term AI as being two different things.

What we call AI today we once called Expert Systems. I have yet to see signs we have solved true intelligence. We have made amazing strides towards creating programs that can solve problems, and that are specially designed experts.

Is this truly intelligence? I guess that depends upon what one believes intelligence is.

I never have been one that thought following a set of instructions was a measure of intelligence. Yet at a low level we are likely following rules of our own, so perhaps that is sufficient.

I guess I should realize that Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Sentience could be two very different things. Artificial Wisdom could also be different from AI. :)

It's very true, the term AI is so broadly used but generally in reference to things that can't really measure intelligence. It will be hard to say exactly when we cross that threshold because even if we have an AI that is seemingly intelligent it could just be an emulation of intelligence rather than something entirely new. But like you say this is a sort of symmantics problem of what we define as intelligence.. perhaps even a calculator has a kind of intelligence :)

I suppose the exciting part of SingularityNET is that all of the pieces can be connected into a single network. A human that is able to see things and identify them but do nothing else we would call them a vegetable, and that is kind of the state of our current AI in most cases. Really most of our human power comes from the large array of skills and talents we have working together under the construct of some overarching intelligence that directs them, and perhaps humans can play that role for the AI while it becomes amazing at everything else, I'm not really sure. Something like AlphaZero can be used to augment the AI for capacity to learn new skills, but the AI making goals and decisions the way we do seems like it will be the final step, only happening once everything else is in place, then suddenly all the components we have been creating are just random skills the AI can utilize while the true intelligence comes from something else :)

don't hold back...tell us what you really think.
my problem with democracy is that the vote is diluted.

if there are one million voters...what is one vote worth.
if 50.001 Percent voter one way and 49.99 vote the other
(like The Alabama vote for Senator recently)

is that a FAIR election?
how bout we require a unanimous vote...80%? or at least a supermajority..

2/3rds should be good enough I think.

2/3 yup.
If one candidate doesn't get more than 2/3rds of the vote..
have another election...and another...until one does.

I've witnessed a 2/3rds situation where it was ignored and the result teleprompted without the results being done. Why do they get away with it? No one holds them accountable or the fines are some minor as to be a pretty good price for the return on investment they get.

Accountability is sorely lacking. Ultimately that may be at the root of many of the global problems.

Accountability is sorely lacking. Also, they have no fear of the public at large.

Yeah, I am not actually a fan of Democracies as they exist. I am also definitely not a fan of a true democracy when the masses of people are so poorly educated. That is a pretty terrifying concept.

Yet I find it interesting that these days they have a VOTE and there is a trend of seeming to not do what was VOTED for, or to try to negate it. So why vote at all if some assholes ignore the vote?

If they are going to have a system and then only follow it when it is convenient to their agenda then I say they can hang.

That is how a democratic republic is supposed to work. Take making an amendment to the United States Constitution, that takes a 3/4 vote for an amendment to pass out of Congress and it still takes ratification by the states.The UK is facing the same problems the US is both governments have been hijacked only the US put in power the nuclear football to take it all down and that's what the election of Donald Trump was.

I like Trump...more and more with each passing day.

Well. The most important is Humanity. If people were live a normal life with each other i think there was no problem. If people thought negative about other people then no one can live a normal Happy life.Then There Was war to each other.Thanks for posting About humanity.

Your last paragraph sums it up pretty well. But they are losing WW3, people woke up and told them that during the last Presidential election. The tide was beginning to turn, but after a year of no significant turbulent rock the core of of people, (stock market crash), people have started to tune out the rhetoric machine, we need to keep listening, or the war tide will swing again back to the mind thieves, and not to those wishing to give vision back to people.

it is not possible, under Natural Law, to delegate authority. Hence the momentary democracy has been corrupted. Take the Denver Metro Area for a moment - very WEALTHY Metro - with TERRIBLE roads... i thought that was why we "needed" government - cuz who will take care of the roads? No one takes care of them now - and the technology we have we might even need roads anymore, but besides that - on this last ballot there was a bond to redo the roads... more taxpayer money going to fix the f***ing roads? They just want more of our money. They are liars and we do not have a democracy...we have an OCCULTACRACY...

Heh. I live in Westminster, CO (northern suburb of Denver). I work from home and travel very little. I do not enjoy going down town. I was there for an event yesterday.


Actually we might not. Occult is a fun word. It is one that most people don't know the actual meaning. They often associate with black magic, mysticism, etc.

All it really means is "hidden knowledge". So consider this. When something is classified, or censored what is it? IT is information that has been occulted.

I mention this for fun, because once you know the true meaning it is not always as DARK and evil as history likes to paint it. Though one might consider hiding information generally bad.

Though does that mean researching the occult would be bad?

I don't think it USUALLY is because most of the hidden information people are researching has nothing to do with black magic, and mysticism.

Technically most truthers and conspiracy theorists are occultists simply because they are seeking the hidden answers. :)

So tell me... did you already know this, or did I just blow your mind?

Also the utopian ideology I most lean towards is Anarcho Capitalism, but I know due to education and many other things if we decided to do that tomorrow it would not work. The world is not ready for it. So I deal with what I see around me and push steps towards that with the hope that some day maybe some people will try it. Whether it succeeds or fails or leads them to other new ideas we cannot see now is not something I cannot predict. People who think they can are arrogant. So I try to just wake more people up so hopefully we have more thinking people in the future and they can try some NEW things rather than continually recycling the old things.


You have made some good points and I did already know the true meaning of occultism. Generally the cabal twisted the meaning so that they could keep all the "hidden knowledge" to themselves. You're correct that the world is not ready for Anarcho Capitalism. Even I have some misgivings about this model as I most identify with being a minarchist Libertarian.