Spume is the owner of the Non-Fungible Token (NFT) Marketplace, where SPUME token holders share in the revenue generated from the market’s trading fees. Spume’s goal is to restore power to employees, pay better to community members, and create an allencompassing platform for users to buy, sell, trade, and create nonfungible brands on many blockchains. By achieving these goals, Spume will become a truly segregated and independent NFT community, market, and brands.
With new blockchain technology evolving every day, we are often plagued by the confusion, confusion, and complexity of it all. However, one area of the blockchain market that has gained more popularity than last year is the government NFT. This influx of capital and attention to the NFT markets is not temporary, nor is it going to decline. From an educational and strategic point of view, we consider the global use of NFTs by the masses - including those who lack knowledge or experience in the cryptocurrency industry. This broad change provides the market with a more efficient way to buy, sell and transfer NFTs. Not only is an intuitive system needed to accomplish this, but a system that fits the history of a truly decentralized system, where ALL stakeholders are paid,
To understand the importance of this technology and its proposed benefits, let us return to the basics. From the very beginning of man, people have been leading the business, exchanging goods and services for something returned, whether it be barter or the sale of money. As technology grows, so does commerce; Great connection to the network. Large, monopolized corporations have dominated this market for years now. People can sign up for a good or service on these sites to exchange money. Nowadays, all of these businesses are sold in bulk, paid in small installments, and work to provide nominal income through stocks to shareholders. The problem with monopolies is simply that the lack of competition exacerbates the lack of motivation to make the changes that their market needs.
Apply that same idea to the blockchain, where people can continue to exchange goods and services for cryptocurrency, but in a system built by users, for use. It is a place where stakeholders can talk about how things work and can decide to change when they see fit. That’s what we’re building - a decentralized marketplace where it changes, where marketing costs are again given to stakeholders in equity and fairness, and where the user base has access to the right. power to decide when and how to change. This is SPUME.
Spume features
- Buy and Sell NFTS: A platform for buying, selling and selling
- Create collections: Create simplicity and create new NFT collections
- Hold SPUME and earn: sharing earnings for SPUME holders
- Available worldwide: anyone, anywhere can join
OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace and pays 2.5% per customer through their website. In the last 30 days (as of Jan 3), they have raised over $ 2.3 Billion in volume, which means they have paid NFT investors over $ 50 million.
In addition to the cost of using their site, they are a central site with control over censorship and all parties involved in the listing and marketing of NFTS through their website. website.
We will set up an autonomously controlled NFT site where we will pay 2.5% per transaction, but that fee will be paid to SPUME holders. This encourages people to use the platform to register SPUME and enter the government.
Decisions to significantly expand the market and new features will be made by SPUME owners, removing control from a central source and returning it to the actual users of the platform.
The right
Is it better to pay SPUME holders than to make money from the Spume market? Yes, it works a lot.
We assume that we will produce the average OpenSea per day (2.3b / 30): 76m per day. We take 2.5% of the amount and give back to our firm (76m * 0.025): $ 1.9m given back to our firm every day. In other words, a single SPUME fee is worth about $ 0.02 per day. We are targeting our general sale at $ 0.4 for the SPUME brand. Please calculate your income.
Time line
We are doing a personal sale and continue to develop on our site. It’s been said in our tokenomics section , but we’ll also emphasize it here, we’re selling 15% of our tokens in private trading. VCs do not control the Spume Market.
We’ll provide updates on the progress of our roster in our news below to keep you up to date with the latest updates.
Spume’s tokenomics were hand -crafted by blockchain professionals and engineers. Our tokenomics is built around our main goals as a project and our community is paramount. Token integrity, price stability, and community safety are the main factors that make up Spume’s tokenomics.
There is a total of 100,000,000.00 (100 Million) Spume Tokens. This number can easily describe our market and can be understood. Having a low -cost offer of Spume awards will help community members enrich their intended financial share and find a way to make it happen. In addition, having our signal lower than usual allows us to earn more trading pairs when our signal is listed on conversions. This is especially important when a symbol is associated with high value segments, because most exchanges will only allow the symbol to have a few decimal numbers for its value.
The Spume filter is classified as follows:
- 20% - Public Sales
- 20% - DAO fund
- 15% - First Aid
- 15% - Personal sales - 5% - Sales
- 15% - Meeting
- 10% - Value
The spume token (ticker: SPUME) is an ERC20 symbol with a capacity of 100 million and 18 decimal places. The token is an implementation of Open Zeppelin’s standard ERC20 token, with the addition of their Snapshot board. Adding the snapshot table allows us to take snapshots of Spume’s current holders at any time. Photo information is stored on the blockchain, and can be accessed by anyone. Photographs may be taken by our authorized records, and later used for voting with Spume DAO and donations may be paid for with the NFT Marketplace. The holder of the SPUME is the owner of the DAO (discuss this in the final sections).
A separate organization allows a group of members to work together without relying on each other. Members are defined as those working for the DAO. In our case, Spume has several members working together to expand and improve the NFT Marketplace. It should be noted that stakeholders and members should not be separated. This system will be guided by a smart agreement (many more in the future), which will be led by Spume members led by stakeholders.
KULA 1.0
Angel full
PublicationsPROTCOL 2.0
Free Buy
First Buy
Coin market cap & coin geckoPROTOCOL 3.0
Launchpad Dex Exchange
listPROTOCOL 4.0
NFT is released on the market on
the hottest NFT ship that has fallen under the
Brand Ambassador Program
Strategic PartnershipsPROTOCOL 5.0
NFT marketplace upgrades
DAO implementation
Community events
Each protocol in our roadmap shows a unique difference in the development of Spume. Although each major event is organized in one piece, the basic work that supports these events can extend to many levels. This road map shows our current development plan for Spume, but when events occur, we may change and change the road map and the order of each.
- Website: https://spume.io/
- White Paper: https://spume.io/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/spume-white-paper.pdf
- Email: [email protected]
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/spumeio
- Discussion: https://discord.gg/jjsZNB6rmT
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/spume.io/
- Telegram: https://t.me/spumeio
- Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@spume.io
user name : Roumanz
mybitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=3362443
my address : 0x95BD926D136CeE1c04727c188D91f8d4f7F7289d