The British Columbia authorities will impose a moratorium on the connection of bitcoin miners

in btc •  2 years ago 

The state energy company of the province of British Columbia (Canada) BC Hydro will suspend the acceptance of applications for the connection of new enterprises for the extraction of bitcoin and other digital assets for 18 months.

The producer of more than 95% of electricity in the region will also stop connecting mining data centers that are in the early stages of the deployment process.

"Cryptocurrency mining consumes a huge amount of electricity around the clock to operate and cool powerful computers, while creating very few jobs in the local economy," said Energy Minister Josie Osborne.

According to her, the authorities intend to save electricity for enterprises and industries that "reduce carbon emissions, create jobs and economic opportunities."

According to the press release, BC Hydro supplies seven mining centers. The connection to the network of six more is in the late stages of the process. The combined capacity of these enterprises is 273 MW.

For example, enterprises of one of the largest Canadian miners Hut 8 and the American company Iris Energy are located in the province.

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