Automated Bitcoin Payments

in btc •  7 years ago 

Hi all,

I want to run a script once a week that sends an amount to a specific address. The amount sent is decided by how much was deposited into the account during the week. For instance the wallet must always have 1 BTC in it and anything over that is sent to the new address each week.

The OS i am using in ubuntu on a Raspberry Pi 3 and i know how to schedule the job using crontab but i do not know how to write the bash script. The bitcoin daemon and bitcoin-cli are all hosted on the same machine as the script.

so far this is what i have.

if [ $(echo "$(bitcoin-cli getbalance) > 1" | bc) -eq 1 ];
bitcoin-cli sendtoaddress ADDRESS $(bitcoin-cli getbalance - 1) "Automated Payment"

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to improve this?


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Hi! I don´t know anything about script but maybe if you change your post title for "How to write bash script for automated Bitcoin Payments?" (or some sentence that indicates that you have a question) will get more attention and someone will come to help you.

Best of luck! Hope you find the answer soon!