BTTC exchange referral
2、首次单笔充值最低额度(非累计)为$500, 0.1 BTC, 1 ETH, 0.5 BCH或5 LTC,如您的充值金额小于最低额度,将无法获得积分;
3、您邀请的好友需使用您的邀请码、邀请链接或二维码进行注册。第一个邀请的好友注册并通过实名认证 Level3 即可获得积分(仅能获取一次);
5、BTCC 保留对积分规则作出调整的最终解释权。
2、首次單筆充值最低額度(非累計)為$500, 0.1 BTC, 1 ETH, 0.5 BCH或5 LTC,如您的充值金額小於最低額度,將無法獲得積分;
3、您邀請的好友需使用您的邀請碼、邀請鏈接或二維碼進行註冊。第一個邀請的好友註冊並通過實名認證 Level3 即可獲得積分(僅能獲取壹次);
5、BTCC 保留對積分規則作出調整的最終解釋權。
Invite Friends Rules
1、Your invited friends will need to register with your invitation code, invitation link or QR code. Once a friend has traded, you will recieve a reward in trading rebates. Direct invitations will receive a transaction fee rebate of 30%, indirect invitations will receive a transaction fee rebate of 10%.
2、The period for calculating rebates for inviting friends is between 8:00 AM to 8:00 AM (UTC+8), and is deposited to your account at 12:00 AM (UTC+8) the next day.
3、BTCC reserves the right for final interpretion and to any changes in the terms for inviting friends.