Your warrior heart

in buddhism •  8 years ago 

"We need a warrior’s heart that lets us face our lives directly, our pains and limitations, our joys and possibilities." --JK

It's easy to connect with our warrior heart when someone we love is in the throes. I have a cat who is almost completely round (you know who I'm talking about) but if someone else calls him fat I will commit a war crime to defend his "cuddly" shape.

But if it's my heart in question, it's harder to be brave. And for all I run my mouth about courage and diving in, I get timid and tender when I start to feel something all the way.

But look at this sky. Look at those hills. When I lived in this town I spent as much time as I could searching for the edges of this view, wanting to go beyond it and keep going and then go beyond that. I never reached the end because there's always another valley leading to another mesa harboring another canyon to wander into and suddenly I'd look around for perspective and realize I was in the middle of the universe. And something about being back in this place puts me right back in that fearless, wild space, open to possibility and willing to step into it all with my heart laid bare.

Last night, a friend put her hands on my shoulders and said, "I'm so glad you found your way home." Of course she wasn't talking about this town; beautiful as it is, this town is just a place. My home--and yours--is my wild, hopeful, pounding, warrior heart.

Good morning, my loves.

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