The Number of Buildings Damaged by Earthquake In Geumpang Increases

in buildings •  7 years ago 

District Government (Pemkab) Pidie, through the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD), immediately do data collection damaged by the earthquake occurred on Thursday (8/2) in Geumpang District.

Head of Emergency and Logistics BPBD Pidie, Ir. H Dewan Ansari. Monday (12/2), explained this rearrangement, carried out following reports Geumpang sub-district, which mentions the number of damaged buildings increased. Such as houses, residents, government offices and places of worship.

Whereas in the initial report the number of buildings damaged due to the earthquake disaster amounted to three housing units. Among them, one mosque, one office Geumpang Subdistrict and one local health center.

But the day after the earthquake happened. BPBD Pidie received reports from Geumpang District office, the number of damaged buildings to 78 units. "The number of 78 units of damaged buildings is increased and entered into BPBD Pidie the day after the earthquake occurred" said Ir H Dewan Ansari.

Based on the report, said Ir.H Ansari Council, Pidie Regency Government needs to do re-registration by involving a number of technical teams from the district. Among them are BPBD Pidie, Dinas PUPR, Bappeda, Ministry of Religious Affairs Office (Kemenag) Pidie, Dinsos, and Geumpang Muspika and several other related institutions. "The technical team is downgraded to determine the extent of the damage" he said.

He explained that the involvement of the technical team from the Ministry of Religious Affairs, Pidie, was because there were places of worship and TPA that were reportedly damaged, such as mosques and Meunasah (Surau-red).

A total of 78 units of buildings damaged by 5.3 SR earthquake impact. Based on data reported Sub-district office Geumpang to BPBD Pidie spread in three gampong (village-red). Namely, Gampong Bangkeh, 14 units, Gampong Pulo Lhoih nine units and Gampong Pucok 55 units.

The re-verification of the earthquake-damaged building, said Ansari H Board will be done in the near future, but he has not been able to fish the exact schedule, as it needs the readiness and timing for all the technical teams involved. "God willing, soon in the near future. But we certainly do not know, because it needs readiness for all teams involved "he said.

On the other hand, Ir H Dewan Ansari, explained the severity of the earthquake impact occurred in Geumpang, Pidie. Because of Geumpang's position, it is located not far from Geumpa's center point. And based on the Center for Volcanology and Geological Hazard Mitigation of Bandung, which conducted a study of 5.3 magnitude earthquake impact in Geumpang, Pidie.

Based on the team's initial findings, the sub-districts of Tangse, Mane and Geumpang, are located in the Aceh fault zone. Therefore, BPBD Pidie will focus on disaster risk reduction program. Because the ground forces can be repeated bepotensi with a maximum power of 7 SR. "Because it needs socialization and mitigation programs in Mane, Tangse, and Geumpang, can run and communicated to the local community," he said.

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